detailed exploration
Смотреть что такое "detailed exploration" в других словарях:
Exploration of Jupiter — Jupiter as seen by the space probe Cassini. This is the most detailed global color portrait of Jupiter ever assembled … Wikipedia
exploration — noun 1 of a place ADJECTIVE ▪ energy (esp. AmE), gas, mineral, oil, petroleum ▪ polar ▪ space ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Exploration of the Moon — Apollo 12 lunar module Intrepid prepares to descend towards the surface of the Moon. NASA photo. The physical exploration of the Moon began when Luna 2, a space probe launched by the Soviet Union, made an impact on the surface of the Moon on … Wikipedia
exploration — /ek spleuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of exploring or investigating; examination. 2. the investigation of unknown regions. [1535 45; < L exploration (s. of exploratio) an examination, equiv. to explorat(us) searched out, examined (ptp … Universalium
Exploration of Mercury — The exploration of Mercury has taken only a minor role in the space interests of the world. It is the least explored inner planet.JHU/APL (2006). [ MESSENGER: MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and… … Wikipedia
detailed — adj. VERBS ▪ be, seem ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc. ▪ a very detailed account of the events … Collocations dictionary
Exploration of the High Alps — The higher region of the Alps were long left to the exclusiveattention of the men of the adjoining valleys, even when Alpine travellers(as distinguished from Alpine climbers) began to visit these valleys. Itis reckoned that about 20 glacier… … Wikipedia
Exploration of Uranus — The exploration of Uranus has been solely through the Voyager 2 spacecraft, with no other visits currently planned. The closest approach to Uranus occurred on January 24, 1986. Voyager 2 discovered 10 previously unknown moons; studied the planet… … Wikipedia
space exploration — Investigation of the universe beyond Earth s atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany s research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to… … Universalium
European exploration — Introduction the exploration of regions of the Earth for scientific, commercial, religious, military, and other purposes by Europeans beginning in the 15th century. The motives that spur human beings to examine their environment are… … Universalium
Orex Exploration — Inc. Type Public (TSX V: OX) Industry Mining Founded 1987 … Wikipedia