detail part
Смотреть что такое "detail part" в других словарях:
DETAIL (professional journal) — DETAIL is the international professional journal for architecture and construction details produced by Detail publishers. Each issue deals with a specific aspect of building, such as concrete construction, roof structures or refurbishment,… … Wikipedia
part# — part n Part, portion, piece, detail, member, division, section, segment, sector, fraction, fragment, parcel are comparable when they mean something which is less than the whole but which actually is or is considered as if apart from the rest of… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
détail — [ detaj ] n. m. • XIIe vendre à détail; de détailler 1 ♦ Le fait de livrer, de vendre ou d acheter par petites quantités ce qu on a acheté en gros. Commerce, magasin de détail. Marchand qui fait le gros, le demi gros et le détail (⇒ détaillant) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Detail — De tail (d[=e] t[=a]l or d[ e]*t[=a]l ; 277), n. [F. d[ e]tail, fr. d[ e]tailler to cut in pieces, tell in detail; pref. d[ e] (L. de or dis ) + tailler to cut. See {Tailor}.] 1. A minute portion; one of the small parts; a particular; an item;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Detail drawing — Detail De tail (d[=e] t[=a]l or d[ e]*t[=a]l ; 277), n. [F. d[ e]tail, fr. d[ e]tailler to cut in pieces, tell in detail; pref. d[ e] (L. de or dis ) + tailler to cut. See {Tailor}.] 1. A minute portion; one of the small parts; a particular; an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
detail — I noun aspect, circumstance, circumstantiality, component, component part, division, element, feature, fractional part, fragment, individual part, ingredient, instance, integral part, integrant, item, minor part, minute part, part, particular,… … Law dictionary
part — I (place) noun area, division, locale, location, premises, purlieus, quarter, room, section, site, spot associated concepts: part in a courthouse II (portion) noun allocation, allowance, amount, bit, chip, chunk, collop, component, constituent,… … Law dictionary
detail — [di tāl′, dē′tāl΄] n. [Fr détail < the v.] 1. the act of dealing with things item by item [the detail of business] 2. a minute account [to go into detail] 3. any of the small parts that go to make up something; item; particular [the details of … English World dictionary
detail — ► NOUN 1) a small individual item or fact. 2) small items or facts collectively: attention to detail. 3) a small part of a picture reproduced separately for close study. 4) a small detachment of troops or police officers given a special duty. ►… … English terms dictionary
detail — [n1] feature, specific aspect ABCs*, accessory, article, brass tacks*, chapter and verse*, circumstantiality, component, count, cue, design, dope*, element, fact, factor, fine point, fraction, item, meat and potatoes*, minor point, minutia,… … New thesaurus
part — [n1] piece, portion of something allotment, any, apportionment, articulation, atom, bit, bite, branch, chip, chunk, component, constituent, cut, department, detail, division, element, extra, factor, fraction, fragment, helping, hunk, ingredient,… … New thesaurus