Смотреть что такое "deskside" в других словарях:
deskside — 1. adjective By the side of ones desk (as in an office). 2. noun A computer intended to be placed alongside a desk, etc. (contrasted with the smaller desktop models) … Wiktionary
Silicon Graphics — Infobox Company company name = SGI company company type = Public (NASDAQ|SGIC) company slogan = Innovation for Results foundation = California (1982) location city = Sunnyvale, California location country = USA key people = Robert Bo Ewald, CEO… … Wikipedia
SGI Onyx — The SGI Onyx, code named Eveready (deskside models) and Terminator (rackmount models), is a series of visualization systems designed and manufactured by SGI, introduced in 1993 and offered in two models, deskside and rackmount. The Onyx s basic… … Wikipedia
Sun-4 — Sun 4 серия рабочих станций и серверов, запущенная корпорацией Sun Microsystems в июне 1987[1]. Системы серии Sun 4 были похожи на машины серии Sun 3, но использовали микропроцессоры, основанные на архитектуре SPARC V7[2], вместо… … Википедия
Nvidia Quadro Plex — The Nvidia Quadro Plex is an external graphics processing unit (Visual Computing System) designed for large scale 3D visualizations. The system consists of a box containing a pair of high end Nvidia Quadro graphics cards featuring a variety of… … Wikipedia
SGI Origin 2000 — The SGI Origin 2000, code named Lego, is a family of mid range and high end servers developed and manufactured by SGI and introduced in 1996 to succeed the SGI Challenge and POWER Challenge. At the time of introduction, these systems ran IRIX 6.4 … Wikipedia
Silicon Graphics — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Silicon. Centre de calcul de la Nasa, équipé de 20 clusters SGI Altix (2004) Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI), est une société américaine qui construit des stations de trav … Wikipédia en Français
Silicon Graphics Inc. — Silicon Graphics Pour les articles homonymes, voir Silicon. Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI), est une société américaine qui construit des stations de travail (workstations) dédiées aux domaines de l infographie, de la 3D du traitement vidéo et du… … Wikipédia en Français
SGI Challenge — The Challenge, code named Eveready (deskside models) and Terminator (rackmount models), is a family of server computers and supercomputers developed and manufactured by Silicon Graphics in the early to mid 1990s that succeeded the earlier Power… … Wikipedia
Sun-3 — Рабочая станция Sun 3/60 Sun 3 серия рабочих станций и серверов, производившихся корпорацией Sun Microsystems с 1985. Модели Sun 3 использовали … Википедия
Help desk — A help desk is an information and assistance resource that troubleshoots problems with computers or similar products. Corporations often provide help desk support to their customers via a toll free number, website and/or e mail. There are also in … Wikipedia