Смотреть что такое "desized" в других словарях:
Desizing — is the process of removing the size material from the warp yarns in woven fabrics. Contents 1 Sizing agents 1.1 Natural sizing agents 1.2 Synthetic sizing agents 2 … Wikipedia
List of To Love-Ru characters — This is a list of characters from the Japanese anime and manga series To Love Ru. Each character s profile is based more on the manga than the anime adaptation. Also many of the characters now make a cameo appearance in the manga Mayoi Neko… … Wikipedia
Prepared for dyeing — A fabric or garment which is prepared for dyeing, abbreviated PFD, is specially made to be dyed.PFD fabrics have been desized, scoured, and fully bleached, but have been processed without opticalbrighteners or softeners which can interfere with… … Wikipedia