desired event
Смотреть что такое "desired event" в других словарях:
event tree — /əˈvɛnt tri/ (say uh vent tree) noun a visual representation of all the events occurring in a system, showing the links between them so that, as the number of events increases, the whole resembles the branches of a tree; used to identify pathways …
Discrete event simulation — In discrete event simulation, the operation of a system is represented as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of state in the system [1]. For example, if an elevator is simulated, an… … Wikipedia
Importance sampling — In statistics, importance sampling is a general technique for estimating the properties of a particular distribution, while only having samples generated from a different distribution rather than the distribution of interest. Depending on the… … Wikipedia
magic — /maj ik/, n. 1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring: to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic. 2. the art of producing a desired effect or result through the … Universalium
Path analysis (computing) — Path analysis, in Internet website analytics, is a process of determining a sequence of pages visited in a visitor session prior to some desired event, such as the visitor purchasing an item or requesting a newsletter. The precise order of pages… … Wikipedia
imitative magic — noun : magic based on the assumption that a desired result (as rain, the death of an enemy) can be brought about or assured by mimicking it called also homeopathic magic; compare sympathetic magic * * * magic that attempts to control the universe … Useful english dictionary
Unsuccessful — Un suc*cess ful, a. Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. {Un suc*cess ful*ly}, adv. {Un suc*cess ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unsuccessfully — Unsuccessful Un suc*cess ful, a. Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. {Un suc*cess ful*ly}, adv. {Un suc*cess ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unsuccessfulness — Unsuccessful Un suc*cess ful, a. Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. {Un suc*cess ful*ly}, adv. {Un suc*cess ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
atiptoe — /euh tip toh /, adv., adj. 1. standing or walking on tiptoe (usually used predicatively). 2. eagerly expectant, as anticipating a desired event or arrival: waiting atiptoe for the mail. 3. moving with caution or stealth, as avoiding calling… … Universalium
imitative magic — magic that attempts to control the universe through the mimicking of a desired event, as by stabbing an image of an enemy in an effort to destroy him or her or by performing a ritual dance imitative of the growth of food in an effort to secure an … Universalium