design-to-life cycle
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Life Cycle Costing — (auf deutsch: Kosten innerhalb eines Lebenszyklus) ist eine Kostenmanagement Methode, die die Entwicklung eines Produktes von der Produktidee bis zur Rücknahme vom Markt betrachtet (Produktlebenszyklus), also von der Wiege bis ins Grab . Dabei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life Cycle Cost — Life Cycle Costing (auf deutsch: Kosten innerhalb eines Lebenszyklus) ist eine Kostenmanagement Methode, die die Entwicklung eines Produktes von der Produktidee bis zur Rücknahme vom Markt betrachtet (Produktlebenszyklus), also von der Wiege bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life-cycle assessment — Cradle to grave redirects here. For other uses, see Cradle to the Grave (disambiguation). A life cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle to grave analysis)[1] is a technique to assess environmental impacts … Wikipedia
Life cycle assessment — A life cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle to grave analysis) is the investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a given product or service caused or necessitated by its existence.… … Wikipedia
Life cycle of a relational database — The life cycle of a relational database is the cycle of development and changes that a database goes through during the course of its life. The cycle typically consists of several stages. There is possibility that the database designer/developer… … Wikipedia
Life Cycle — The course of events that brings a new product into existence and follows its growth into a mature product and into eventual critical mass and decline. The most common steps in the life cycle of a product include the following phases: •… … Investment dictionary
Systems Development Life Cycle — Systems Development Life Cycle, or Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), relates to models or methodologies that people use to develop systems, generally computer systems. Computer systems have become more complex and usually (especially with… … Wikipedia
Software release life cycle — A software release life cycle refers to the phases of development and maturity for a piece of computer software ranging from its initial development, to its eventual release, and updated versions of the released version to help improve… … Wikipedia
Organizational life cycle — The organizational life cycle is the life cycle of an organization from its creation to its termination.[1] There are five level/stages in any organization. Birth Growth Maturity Decline Death According to Richard L. Daft [2] there are four… … Wikipedia
Bridge Life Cycle Cost Analysis — (BLCCA), which is focus on the analysis ofindividual bridges, typically designates a planning or time horizon as theperiod of time over which all costs are to be estimated.Transportation officials consider life cycle cost analysis an… … Wikipedia
Safety life cycle — The safety life cycle is the series of phases from initiation and specifications of safety requirements, covering design and development of safety features in a safety critical system, and ending in decommissioning of that system. The basic… … Wikipedia