design to characteristics

design to characteristics
проектирование согласно за данной характеристике

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "design to characteristics" в других словарях:

  • Design 1047 battlecruiser — A plan and profile of Nevesbu s Project 1047; it is not specified if this depicts the final design.[1] Class overview Name …   Wikipedia

  • Design for All (in ICT) — Design for All in the context of information technology is the conscious and systematic effort to proactively apply principles, methods and tools to promote universal design in computer related technologies, including internet based technologies …   Wikipedia

  • Design for testing — Design for Test (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and… …   Wikipedia

  • Design For Test — (aka Design for Testability or DFT ) is a name for design techniques that add certain testability features to a microelectronic hardware product design. The premise of the added features is that they make it easier to develop and apply… …   Wikipedia

  • Design Workshop — is an international landscape architecture, land planning, urban design and strategic services firm that began in 1969.[1] The firm was named ASLA s Firm of the Year[2] in 2008 for its work in new communities, urban centers, resorts, public parks …   Wikipedia

  • Design by committee — is a term referring to a style of design and its resultant output when a group of entities comes together to produce something (often the design of technological systems or standards), particularly in the presence of poor leadership. The defining …   Wikipedia

  • Design B-65 cruiser — A line drawing of the proposed Design B 65. Class overview Name: Design B 65 Operators …   Wikipedia

  • Design Science Research — (DSR) is based on the work of Professor Joan Ernst van Aken (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The core mission of DSR is to develop general knowledge which can be used by professionals in the field in question to design… …   Wikipedia

  • Design for X — Under the label Design for X, a wide collection of specific design guidelines are summarized. Each design guideline addresses a particular issue that is caused by, or affects the characteristics of a product. The design guidelines themselves… …   Wikipedia

  • Design A-150 battleship — An artist s interpretation of a Design A 150 battleship by Richard Allison. Class overview Name: Design A 150 …   Wikipedia

  • Design and manufacturing of gears — Gear design is the process of designing a gear. Designing is done prior to manufacturing and includes calculation of the gear geometry, taking into account gear strength, wear characteristic of the gear teeth, material selection, gear alignment… …   Wikipedia

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