design diagram
Смотреть что такое "design diagram" в других словарях:
Experimental design diagram — (EDD) is a diagram used by scientists, to design an experiment. This diagram helps to identify the essential components of an experiment. It includes a title, the research hypothesis and null hypothesis, the independent variable, the levels of… … Wikipedia
Design management in organization — involves creating the means to accomplish the stated mission or objective. To design means to function according to a plan. The design establishes the relationships among the various parts of the organization (or the system), linking them… … Wikipedia
design — [n1] sketch, draft architecture, arrangement, blueprint, chart, comp, composition, conception, constitution, construction, delineation, depiction, diagram, doodle, drawing, dummy, form, formation, idea, layout, makeup, map, method, model, outline … New thesaurus
diagram — n outline, draft, tracing, sketch, delineation, plot, blueprint (see under SKETCH vb) Analogous words: design, *plan, plot, scheme diagram vb outline, plot, blueprint, draft, trace, *sketch, delineate Analogous words: design, plan, plot, scheme… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Design rule checking — or Check(s) (DRC) is the area of Electronic Design Automation that determines whether the physical layout of a particular chip layout satisfies a series of recommended parameters called Design Rules. Design rule checking is a major step during… … Wikipedia
Diagram of Suburban Chaos — is the pseudonym of William Collin Snavely, a composer of electronic music. Contents 1 Biography 2 Discography 3 External links 3.1 Reviews and articles … Wikipedia
design — vb 1 mean, *intend, propose, purpose Analogous words: *aim, aspire 2 plan, plot, scheme, project (see under PLAN n) Analogous words: *sketch, outline, diagram, delineate, blueprint, draft: *invent, create … New Dictionary of Synonyms
design — I (construction plan) noun blueprint, chart, conception, delineation, depiction, descriptio, diagram, draft, drawing, forma, graph, layout, lineamenta, map, model, outline, picture, plan, preliminary drawing, projection, proof, rendering,… … Law dictionary
diagram — index blueprint, characterize, contour (outline), delineate, delineation, depict, design (construction plan) … Law dictionary
diagram — [n] drawing, sketch of form or plan big picture*, blueprint, chart, description, design, draft, figure, floor plan, game, game plan, ground plan, layout, outline, perspective, representation, rough draft; concepts 625,660 … New thesaurus
Diagram — Further information: Chart Sample flowchart representing the decision process to add a new article to Wikipedia. A diagram is a two dimensional geometric symbolic representation of information according to some visualization technique. Sometimes … Wikipedia