- dervish
- ˈdə:vɪʃ турец.;
сущ. дервиш дервиш dervish тур. дервиш
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dervish — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dervish Dervish en Eurovisión 2007 Información personal … Wikipedia Español
Dervish — à l Eurovision Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Dervish — Der vish, Dervise Der vise, Dervis Der vis, n. [Per. derw[=e]sch, fr. OPer. derew to beg, ask alms: cf. F. derviche.] 1. A Turkish or Persian monk, especially one who professes extreme poverty and leads an austere life. [1913 Webster] 2. One of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dervish — im Finale des Eurovision Song Contest 2007 Dervish ist eine irische Band, deren Stil stark von der traditionellen Folklore des Landes beeinflusst ist. Sie wurde 1989 in Sligo gegründet. Die Gruppe vertrat ihr Heimatland beim Eurovis … Deutsch Wikipedia
dervish — 1580s, from Turk. dervish, from Pers. darvesh, darvish beggar, poor, hence religious mendicant; equivalent of Arabic faqir (Cf. FAKIR (Cf. fakir)). The whirling dervishes are just one order among many. Originally dervis; modern spelling is from… … Etymology dictionary
dervish — [dʉr′vish] n. [Turk dervish < Pers darvēsh, beggar] a member of any of various Muslim religious groups dedicated to a life of poverty and chastity: some dervishes practice whirling, chanting, etc. as religious acts … English World dictionary
dervish — ► NOUN ▪ a member of a Muslim fraternity vowed to poverty and known for their wild rituals. ORIGIN Persian, religious beggar , also poor … English terms dictionary
Dervish — For other uses, see Dervish (disambiguation). An Ottoman Dervish in Istanbul … Wikipedia
Dervish — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Дервиш (значения). Dervish … Википедия
dervish — /ˈdɜvɪʃ / (say dervish) noun a member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, some of which carry on ecstatic observances, such as violent dancing and pirouetting (dancing dervish, spinning dervish or whirling dervish) or vociferous chanting or… …
dervish — /derr vish/, n. a member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, as the Sufis, some of which carry on ecstatic observances, such as energetic dancing and whirling or vociferous chanting or shouting. [1575 85; < Turk < Pers darvish poor man,… … Universalium