Смотреть что такое "dermatozoa" в других словарях:
dermatozoa — n. any microscopic organism that lives as a parasite in or on the skin of a host … English contemporary dictionary
Lorenz Oken — (August 1, 1779 – August 11, 1851) was a German naturalist. Lorenz Oken Oken was born Lorenz Okenfuss in Bohlsbach (now part of Offenburg) in Baden and studied natural history and medicine at the universities of Freiburg and Würzburg. He went on… … Wikipedia
Lorenz Oken — Lorenz Oken, eigentlich Laurentius Okenfuss, (* 1. August 1779 in Bohlsbach bei Offenburg in Baden; † 11. August 1851 in Zürich) war ein deutscher Mediziner und Naturforscher. Inhalts … Deutsch Wikipedia
dermatozoon — /deuhr mat euh zoh on, derr meuh teuh /, n., pl. dermatozoa / zoh euh/. Biol. any microscopic animal or protozoan living as a parasite on or in the skin of the host. [DERMATO + ZOON] * * * … Universalium
ДЕРМАТИТЫ — ДЕРМАТИТЫ. Содержание: Определение и признаки Д............ 689 Д. эндогенного происхождения. D. exfollativa................. 672 D. scarlatiniformis recldivans......... 674 Д. от вакцин и сывороток.......... 675 Д. при внутренних заболеваниях … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
dermatozoon — /deuhr mat euh zoh on, derr meuh teuh /, n., pl. dermatozoa / zoh euh/. Biol. any microscopic animal or protozoan living as a parasite on or in the skin of the host. [DERMATO + ZOON] … Useful english dictionary