derived functor
Смотреть что такое "derived functor" в других словарях:
Derived functor — In mathematics, certain functors may be derived to obtain other functors closely related to the original ones. This operation, while fairly abstract, unifies a number of constructions throughout mathematics. Contents 1 Motivation 2 Construction… … Wikipedia
Derived category — In mathematics, the derived category D(C) of an abelian category C is a construction of homological algebra introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of derived functors defined on C. The construction proceeds on the… … Wikipedia
Functor — For functors as a synonym of function objects in computer programming to pass function pointers along with its state, see function object. For the use of the functor morphism presented here in functional programming see also the fmap function of… … Wikipedia
Exceptional inverse image functor — In mathematics, more specifically sheaf theory, a branch of topology and algebraic geometry, the exceptional inverse image functor is the fourth and most sophisticated in a series of image functors for sheaves. It is needed to express Verdier… … Wikipedia
Ext functor — In mathematics, the Ext functors of homological algebra are derived functors of Hom functors. They were first used in algebraic topology, but are common in many areas of mathematics. Definition and computation Let R be a ring and let mathrm{Mod}… … Wikipedia
Tor functor — In higher mathematics, the Tor functors of homological algebra are the derived functors of the tensor product functor. They were first defined in generality to express the Künneth theorem and universal coefficient theorem in algebraic… … Wikipedia
Delta-functor — In homological algebra, a δ functor between two abelian categories A and B is a collection of functors from A to B together with a collection of morphisms that satisfy properties generalising those of derived functors. A universal δ functor is a… … Wikipedia
Exact functor — In homological algebra, an exact functor is a functor, from some category to another, which preserves exact sequences. Exact functors are very convenient in algebraic calculations, roughly speaking because they can be applied to presentations of… … Wikipedia
Diagonal functor — In category theory, for any object a in any category where the product exists, there exists the diagonal morphism satisfying for , where πk … Wikipedia
Direct image functor — In mathematics, in the field of sheaf theory and especially in algebraic geometry, the direct image functor generalizes the notion of a section of a sheaf to the relative case. Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Example 1.2 Variants … Wikipedia
Zuckerman functor — This article is about the Zuckerman induction functor, which is not the same as the (Zuckerman) translation functor. In mathematics, a Zuckerman functor is used to construct representations of real reductive Lie groups from representations of… … Wikipedia