derivation sequence

derivation sequence
цепочка вывода;
выводимая последовательность (в формальной грамматике)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "derivation sequence" в других словарях:

  • Derivation — may refer to: Derivation (abstract algebra), a function on an algebra which generalizes certain features of the derivative operator Derivation (linguistics) Derivation in differential algebra, a unary function satisfying the Leibniz product law… …   Wikipedia

  • dérivation — 1. dérivation [ derivasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1314; lat. derivatio, de rivus 1 ♦ Action de dériver (l eau, un cours d eau). ⇒ détournement. Barrage pour la dérivation des eaux. Canal de dérivation. ♢ Partie dérivée d un cours d eau. « L entretien des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • derivation — derivational, adj. derivationally, adv. /der euh vay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or fact of deriving or of being derived. 2. the process of deriving. 3. the source from which something is derived; origin. 4. something that is or has been derived;… …   Universalium

  • Derivation of the Routh array — The Routh array is a tabular method permitting one to establish the stability of a system using only the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial. Central to the field of control systems design, the Routh–Hurwitz theorem and Routh array… …   Wikipedia

  • derivation — noun Date: 15th century 1. a. (1) the formation of a word from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix) (2) an act of ascertaining or stating the derivation of a word (3) etymology 1 b. the relation of a wo …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • derivation — Synonyms and related words: IC analysis, acceptance, accidence, acquisition, admission, admittance, adoption, affiliation, affix, affixation, allomorph, ancestry, apparentation, appropriation, assumption, beginning, birth, blood, bloodline,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • sequence — Synonyms and related words: Indian file, aftereffect, afterlife, aftermath, alternation, arrangement, array, articulation, bank, buzz, by product, catena, catenation, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chasing, classification, concatenation,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • derivation — n. 1 the act or an instance of deriving or obtaining from a source; the process of being derived. 2 a the formation of a word from another word or from a root. b a derivative. c the tracing of the origin of a word. d a statement or account of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mayer–Vietoris sequence — In mathematics, particularly algebraic topology and homology theory, the Mayer–Vietoris sequence is an algebraic tool to help compute algebraic invariants of topological spaces, known as their homology and cohomology groups. The result is due to… …   Wikipedia

  • King Wen sequence — The King Wen sequence (Chinese: 文王卦序) is an arrangement of the sixty four divination figures in 易經 Yì Jīng, the I Ching or Book of Changes. They are called hexagrams in English because each figure is composed of six 爻 yáo broken or unbroken lines …   Wikipedia

  • A derivation of the discrete Fourier transform — In mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), occasionally called the finite Fourier transform, is a transform for Fourier analysis of finite domain discrete time signals. As with most Fourier …   Wikipedia

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