derivation algebra

derivation algebra
алгебра дифференцирований

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Смотреть что такое "derivation algebra" в других словарях:

  • Derivation — may refer to: Derivation (abstract algebra), a function on an algebra which generalizes certain features of the derivative operator Derivation (linguistics) Derivation in differential algebra, a unary function satisfying the Leibniz product law… …   Wikipedia

  • Derivation (abstract algebra) — In abstract algebra, a derivation is a function on an algebra which generalizes certain features of the derivative operator. Specifically, given an algebra A over a ring or a field K, a K derivation is a K linear map D: A → A that… …   Wikipedia

  • Derivation (Mathematik) — In verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Mathematik bezeichnet man Abbildungen als Derivationen, wenn sie die Leibnizregel erfüllen. Das Konzept der Derivationen ist eine Verallgemeinerung der aus der Schulmathematik bekannten Ableitung.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Derivation of the conjugate gradient method — In numerical linear algebra, the conjugate gradient method is an iterative method for numerically solving the linear system where is symmetric positive definite. The conjugate gradient method can be derived from several different perspectives,… …   Wikipedia

  • Differential algebra — In mathematics, differential rings, differential fields, and differential algebras are rings, fields, and algebras equipped with a derivation, which is a unary function that is linear and satisfies the Leibniz product law. A natural example of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Graded Lie algebra — In mathematics, a graded Lie algebra is a Lie algebra endowed with a gradation which is compatible with the Lie bracket. In other words, a graded Lie algebra is a Lie algebra which is also a nonassociative graded algebra under the bracket… …   Wikipedia

  • Poisson algebra — In mathematics, a Poisson algebra is an associative algebra together with a Lie bracket that also satisfies Leibniz law; that is, the bracket is also a derivation. Poisson algebras appear naturally in Hamiltonian mechanics, and are also central… …   Wikipedia

  • Exterior algebra — In mathematics, the exterior product or wedge product of vectors is an algebraic construction generalizing certain features of the cross product to higher dimensions. Like the cross product, and the scalar triple product, the exterior product of… …   Wikipedia

  • Adjunktion einer Derivation — Die semidirekte Summe ist eine mathematische Konstruktion aus der Theorie der Lie Algebren. Konstruktion Es seien und Lie Algebren, sei eine Darstellung, das heißt: π ist linear, und für alle gilt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Boolean algebra (logic) — For other uses, see Boolean algebra (disambiguation). Boolean algebra (or Boolean logic) is a logical calculus of truth values, developed by George Boole in the 1840s. It resembles the algebra of real numbers, but with the numeric operations of… …   Wikipedia

  • p-derivation — In mathematics, more specifically differential algebra, a p derivation (for p a prime number) on a ring R, is a mapping from R to R that satisfies certain conditions outlined directly below. The notion of a p derivation is related to that of a… …   Wikipedia

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