- derisory
- прил. незначительный, смехотворный Syn : laughable, ridiculous см. derisive
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Derisory — De*ri so*ry, a. [L. derisorius: cf. F. d[ e]risoire.] Derisive; mocking. Shaftesbury. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
derisory — index caustic, contemptuous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
derisory — 1610s, from L. derisorius, from derisor derider, agent noun from deridere (see DERIDE (Cf. deride)) … Etymology dictionary
derisory — ► ADJECTIVE 1) ridiculously small or inadequate. 2) another term for DERISIVE(Cf. ↑derisively) … English terms dictionary
derisory — [[t]dɪra͟ɪzəri[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something such as an amount of money as derisory, you are emphasizing that it is so small or inadequate that it seems silly or not worth considering. She was being paid what I… … English dictionary
derisory — derisive, derisory Although their meanings have coincided since their first appearance in the 17c, in current use they are for the most part kept separate, derisive meaning ‘scoffing, scornful’ as in derisive laughter and derisive remarks and… … Modern English usage
derisory — adjective 1 an amount of money that is derisory is so small that it is not worth considering seriously: Unions described the pay offer as derisory. 2 derisive: derisory comments derisorily adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
derisory — adj. 1 scoffing; ironical; scornful (derisory cheers). 2 so small or unimportant as to be ridiculous (derisory offer; derisory costs). Etymology: LL derisorius (as DERISION) … Useful english dictionary
derisory — de|ri|so|ry [dıˈraısəri] adj 1.) an amount of money that is derisory is so small that it is not worth considering seriously ▪ Unions described the pay offer as derisory. 2.) ↑derisive … Dictionary of contemporary English
derisory — de|ri|so|ry [ dı raısəri ] adjective 1. ) if something you are offered or given is derisory, you feel insulted because it is not very much: He was paid what he considered to be a derisory sum. 2. ) DERISIVE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
derisory — adjective 1) a derisory sum Syn: inadequate, insufficient, tiny, small; trifling, paltry, pitiful, miserly, miserable; negligible, token, nominal; ridiculous, laughable, ludicrous, preposterous, insulting; informal … Thesaurus of popular words