derisive laughter
Смотреть что такое "derisive laughter" в других словарях:
derisive — derisive, derisory Although their meanings have coincided since their first appearance in the 17c, in current use they are for the most part kept separate, derisive meaning ‘scoffing, scornful’ as in derisive laughter and derisive remarks and… … Modern English usage
derisive — adjective Date: circa 1662 expressing or causing derision < derisive laughter > • derisively adverb • derisiveness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
derisive — de|ri|sive [dıˈraısıv] adj showing that you think someone or something is stupid or silly ▪ derisive laughter >derisively adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
derisive — adjective showing that you think someone or something is stupid or silly: derisive laughter derisively adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
laughter — n. 1) to cause, provoke laughter 2) contagious, infectious; convulsive; derisive; hearty, loud, raucous, uproarious; sardonic; subdued laughter 3) a burst, fit, gale; ripple of laughter 4) (misc.) to double up with laughter * * * [ lɑːftə]… … Combinatory dictionary
laughter — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ hearty, helpless, hysterical, insane, loud, maniacal (esp. AmE), raucous, uncontrollable, uproarious, wild … Collocations dictionary
derisive — adj. Derisive is used with these nouns: ↑laugh, ↑laughter, ↑snort … Collocations dictionary
derisive — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. derisory, mocking, sarcastic, contemptuous, supercilious, disdainful. See ridicule,disrespect, contempt, detraction. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. insulting, mocking, taunting, contemptuous; see… … English dictionary for students
derisory — derisive, derisory Although their meanings have coincided since their first appearance in the 17c, in current use they are for the most part kept separate, derisive meaning ‘scoffing, scornful’ as in derisive laughter and derisive remarks and… … Modern English usage
scoff — scoff, jeer, gibe, fleer, gird, sneer, flout can all mean to show one s scorn or contempt in derision or mockery. Scoff stresses insolence, irreverence, lack of respect, or incredulity as the motives for one s derision or mockery {it is an easy… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
gibelike — adjective abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule (Freq. 1) derisive laughter a jeering crowd her mocking smile taunting shouts of coward and sissy • Syn: ↑derisive, ↑jeering, ↑ … Useful english dictionary