Смотреть что такое "deputise" в других словарях:
deputise — dep u*tise (d[e^]p [ u]*t[imac]z), v. t. same as {deputize}. Syn: depute, deputize. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deputise — (Brit.) v. appoint a deputy, appoint a representative; act as a deputy, act as a representative (also deputize) … English contemporary dictionary
deputise — v. 1) (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ( to appoint ) to deputise as (he deputised me as his assistant) 2) (BE) (D; intr.) to deputise for ( to replace ) (to deputise for smb. as secretary) 3) (AE) (H) ( to appoint as deputy ) to deputise smb. to do smt … Combinatory dictionary
deputise — UK [ˈdepjʊtaɪz] / US [ˈdepjəˌtaɪz] deputize … English dictionary
deputise — [c]/ˈdɛpjətaɪz / (say depyuhtuyz) verb (deputised, deputising) –verb (t) 1. to appoint as a deputy: *The gates were only half open, held that way by Mr Bell, the owner of the bicycle shop, who had been deputised to keep gate control. –james… …
deputise — verb 1. act as a substitute She stood in for the soprano who suffered from a cold • Syn: ↑substitute, ↑deputize, ↑step in • Derivationally related forms: ↑deputy, ↑deputy (for … Useful english dictionary
deputised — deputise (Brit.) v. appoint a deputy, appoint a representative; act as a deputy, act as a representative (also deputize) … English contemporary dictionary
deputises — deputise (Brit.) v. appoint a deputy, appoint a representative; act as a deputy, act as a representative (also deputize) … English contemporary dictionary
deputising — deputise (Brit.) v. appoint a deputy, appoint a representative; act as a deputy, act as a representative (also deputize) … English contemporary dictionary
stand in for — Deputise for … A concise dictionary of English slang
Joseph Lanner — Josef Franz Karl Lanner (12 April 1801 ndash; 14 April 1843) was an Austrian dance music composer. He was best remembered as one of the earliest Viennese composers to reform the waltz from a simple peasant dance to something that even the highest … Wikipedia