deposited layer
Смотреть что такое "deposited layer" в других словарях:
deposited layer — nusodintasis sluoksnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. deposited layer vok. aufgetragene Schicht, f rus. нанесённый слой, m pranc. couche déposée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
pyrolytically deposited layer — pirolizinis sluoksnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. pyrolytically deposited layer vok. pyrolytisch abgeschiedene Schicht, f rus. слой, полученный пиролизом, m pranc. couche déposée par pyrolyse, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
vacuum-deposited layer — vakuume nusodintas sluoksnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. vacuum deposited layer vok. vakuumaufgedampfte Schicht, f rus. слой осаждённый в вакууме, m pranc. couche déposée sous vide, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Layer by layer — (LbL)deposition is a thin film fabrication technique. The films are formed by depositing alternating layers of oppositely charged materials with wash steps in between. A simple representation can be made by defining two oppositely charged… … Wikipedia
deposited — de·pos·it || dɪ pÉ’zɪt n. sum of money that has been put in a bank for safekeeping; partial payment, pledge; (Geology) layer (of sand, mineral deposit, etc.) v. put a sum of money in a bank for safekeeping; pay in part; (Geology) set down,… … English contemporary dictionary
Atomic layer epitaxy — (ALE), now more generally called Atomic Layer Deposition, is a specialized form of epitaxy that typically deposit alternating monolayers of two elements onto a substrate. The crystal lattice structure achieved is thin, uniform, and aligned with… … Wikipedia
Atomic layer deposition — (ALD) is a gas phase chemical process used to create extremely thin coatings. The majority of ALD reactions use two chemicals, typically called s. These precursors react with a surface one at a time in a sequential manner. By exposing the… … Wikipedia
thin-layer chromatography — /thin lay euhr/, Chem. chromatography in which glass plates coated with thin layers of alumina, silica gel, or cellulose are used as an adsorbent. [1955 60; trans. of G dünnschicht chromatographie] * * * ▪ chemistry in analytical chemistry … Universalium
Black layer — A black layer is a coat on the filament of the indirectly heated hot cathode in a cathode ray tube, intended to optimise the output of electrons from the cathode, thus minimising the energy consumption and heat generated while maximising the… … Wikipedia
surface layer — noun : a layer (as a layer of moisture) having a resistivity different from that of the body on which it is deposited … Useful english dictionary
primary shell layer — (BRACHIOPODA) Outer layer under the periostracum; deposited by columnar epithelium of the outer mantle lobe … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology