departure time

departure time
моомент ухода требования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "departure time" в других словарях:

  • departure time — noun the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to depart from a given point of origin • Syn: ↑time of departure • Hypernyms: ↑point, ↑point in time • Hyponyms: ↑checkout, ↑checkout time …   Useful english dictionary

  • departure time — The time an aircraft becomes airborne. Also called takeoff time …   Aviation dictionary

  • proposed departure time — i. The time a scheduled flight will depart the gate for scheduled operators. Normally referred to as the estimated departure time, or the ETD (estimated time of departure). ii. The actual runway off time for nonscheduled operators …   Aviation dictionary

  • assigned departure time — The departure time assigned to an aircraft, derived from its estimated time en route, that enables compliance with an issued arrival time at the destination airport …   Aviation dictionary

  • controlled departure time programs — The flow control process in which aircraft are held on the ground at the departure airport when there are projected delays either en route or at the terminal of intended landing. This is to reduce traffic congestion and the time of airborne… …   Aviation dictionary

  • time out — {n. phr.} Time during which a game, a lecture, a discussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extra questions or informal discussion, or some other reason. * /He took a time out from studying to go to a movie./ * /The player… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • time out — {n. phr.} Time during which a game, a lecture, a discussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extra questions or informal discussion, or some other reason. * /He took a time out from studying to go to a movie./ * /The player… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • departure — 01. The [departure] of flight 202 to Madison has been delayed due to stormy weather. 02. The train [departed] about five minutes ago. 03. You should arrive at least two hours before your [departure] time for international flights. 04. The… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • time — 1 /taIm/ noun TIME 1 (U) something that is measured in minutes, hours, years etc using clocks: a machine that can travel through time | The basic unit of time, the second, was redefined in 1967. | time passes/goes by: time goes by so quickly… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • time of departure — noun The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to depart. Syn: departure time Ant: arrival time, time of arrival …   Wiktionary

  • time of arrival — noun The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to arrive. Syn: arrival time Ant: departure time, time of departure …   Wiktionary

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