departure clearance
Смотреть что такое "departure clearance" в других словарях:
expect departure clearance — An expression used in radio communications to indicate the time an operator can expect a gate release. This is used in the fuel advisory departure program … Aviation dictionary
expected departure clearance time — The runway release time assigned to an aircraft in a controlled departure program and shown on the flight progress strip as EDCT … Aviation dictionary
Departure card — A departure card, also known as an outgoing passenger card and embarkation card, is a legal document used by a country s immigration authorities to provide passenger identification and an effective record of a person’s entry to and departure from … Wikipedia
“clearance valid...” — An expression used in radio communications to indicate a departure time restriction issued to a pilot by air traffic control (either directly or through an authorized relay) when it is necessary to separate a departing aircraft from other traffic … Aviation dictionary
departure profile — A flight profile flown by a departing aircraft to meet the needs of separation from other aircraft both horizontally and vertically, obstacle clearance, noise levels, etc … Aviation dictionary
controlled departure time programs — The flow control process in which aircraft are held on the ground at the departure airport when there are projected delays either en route or at the terminal of intended landing. This is to reduce traffic congestion and the time of airborne… … Aviation dictionary
air traffic control clearance — Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit (ICAO). This is to prevent collisions between known aircraft. The pilot in command of an aircraft must not deviate from the provisions of VFR… … Aviation dictionary
standard instrument departure — A designated IFR departure route linking the aerodrome or a specified runway of the aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally on a designated ATS route, at which the en route phase of flight commences (ICAO). A standard IFR… … Aviation dictionary
instrument departure procedure (DP) charts — DP charts are designed to expedite clearance delivery and to facilitate transition between takeoff and en route operations. They furnish pilots’ departure routing clearance information in graphic and textual form … Aviation dictionary
request full-route clearance — A term used by pilots to request that the entire route of a flight be read verbatim in an ATC (air traffic control) clearance. Such requests should be made to preclude receiving an ATC clearance based on the original filed flight plan when a… … Aviation dictionary
offices of departure — offices of departure/destination Approved Customs offices where a Transports Internationaux Routiers ( TIR) movement officially begins or ends. This may be at an Inland Clearance Depot ( ICD), port or airport. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms