Смотреть что такое "dentilingual" в других словарях:
Dentilingual — Den ti*lin gual, a. [L. dens tooth + E. lingual.] Produced by applying the tongue to the teeth or to the gums; or representing a sound so formed. n. A dentilingual sound or letter. [1913 Webster] The letters of this fourth, dentilingual or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dentilingual — /den ti ling gweuhl/, Phonet. adj. 1. articulated with the tongue near or touching the front teeth; interdental. n. 2. a dentilingual sound. [1870 75; DENTI + LINGUAL] * * * … Universalium
dentilingual — /dɛntiˈlɪŋgwəl/ (say dentee linggwuhl) adjective 1. (of speech sounds) uttered with the tongue at the teeth, as the th in thin and this. –noun 2. a dentilingual sound …
dentilingual — adj. Phonet. formed by the teeth and the tongue. * * * dentilingual, loquent etc.: see under denti … Useful english dictionary
dentilingual — adjective a) Of or pertaining to the teeth and the tongue b) Produced with the tongue touching the teeth … Wiktionary
dentilingual — Relating to the teeth and tongue. [denti + L. lingua, tongue] * * * den·ti·lin·gual (den″tĭ lingґwəl) [denti + lingual] pertaining to the teeth and tongue … Medical dictionary
dentilingual — adj. pertaining to sounds produced by touching the teeth with the tongue (Phonetics) … English contemporary dictionary
dentilingual — den·ti·lingual … English syllables
dentilingual — a.,n. (sound) pronounced (as th) with tongue against teeth … Dictionary of difficult words
den|ti|lin|gual — «DEHN tuh LIHNG gwuhl», adjective, noun. Phonetics. –adj. (of speech sounds) produced with the tongue against or near the teeth: »“Th” in “think” and “then” are dentilingual sounds. –n. a dentilingual sound. Also, dentolingual … Useful english dictionary
den|to|lin|gual — «DEHN tuh LIHNG gwuhl», adjective, noun. = dentilingual. (Cf. ↑dentilingual) … Useful english dictionary