dense aggregate
Смотреть что такое "dense aggregate" в других словарях:
aggregate — [ag′rə git; ] for v. [, ag′rəgāt΄] adj. [L aggregatus, pp. of aggregare, to lead to a flock, add to < ad , to + gregare, to herd < grex (gen. gregis), a herd] 1. gathered into, or considered as, a whole; total [the aggregate number of… … English World dictionary
aggregate — aggregable /ag ri geuh beuhl/, adj. aggregately, adj. aggregateness, n. aggregatory /ag ri geuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. adj., n. /ag ri git, gayt /; v. /ag ri gayt /, adj., n., v., aggregated, aggregating. adj. 1. formed by the conjunction or… … Universalium
aggregate — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English aggregat, from Latin aggregatus, past participle of aggregare to add to, from ad + greg , grex flock Date: 15th century formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
aggregate — adjective /ˈægrəgət / (say agruhguht) 1. formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined: the aggregate amount owed in taxes. 2. Botany a. (of a flower) formed of florets collected in a dense… …
aggregate — ag•gre•gate adj., n. [[t]ˈæg rɪ gɪt, ˌgeɪt[/t]] v. [[t] ˌgeɪt[/t]] adj. n. v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined 2) a) bot (of a flower) formed of florets collected… … From formal English to slang
aggregate — adj. [L. ad, to; gregare, to collect] Clustering or crowding together to form a dense mass … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
TexSys — [ TexSys] is a web based application serving as a Texas Expert System for the selection of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). TexSys is the product of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) study, TxDOT Project 0… … Wikipedia
Gradation test — A gradation test, or sieve analysis, is a commonly used procedure in civil engineering that measures the size distribution, or gradation, of an aggregate, such as sand, crushed rock, or clay. A gradation test is performed on a sample of aggregate … Wikipedia
Types of concrete — There are many types of concrete, variations of installation, composition, finish and performance characteristics. A highway paved with concrete … Wikipedia
Glossary of botanical terms — Many of the terms used in Wikipedia glossaries (often most) are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, lists like the following indicate where new articles need to be written and are also useful for looking up and… … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium