denizen a plant

denizen a plant
акклиматизировать растение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "denizen a plant" в других словарях:

  • denizen — [den′ə zən] n. [ME denisein < Anglo Fr deinzein < OFr, native inhabitant < denz, within < LL de intus < L de intus, from within] 1. a) an inhabitant or occupant b) a frequenter of a particular place 2. Brit. an alien granted… …   English World dictionary

  • plant — Synonyms and related words: accouterments, adulterate, agent provocateur, amphibian, angiosperm, annual, apparatus, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, aquatic plant, armament, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, assign, atomic… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • denizen — denization, denizenation, n. denizenship, n. /den euh zeuhn/, n. 1. an inhabitant; resident. 2. a person who regularly frequents a place; habitué: the denizens of a local bar. 3. Brit. an alien admitted to residence and to certain rights of… …   Universalium

  • denizen — [[t]de̱nɪz(ə)n[/t]] denizens N COUNT: usu N of n A denizen of a particular place is a person, animal, or plant that lives or grows in this place. [FORMAL] Gannets are denizens of the open ocean. ...the denizens of Her Majesty s House of Commons …   English dictionary

  • denizen — /ˈdɛnəzən / (say denuhzuhn) noun 1. an inhabitant; resident. 2. an alien admitted to residence and to certain rights of citizenship in a country. 3. anything adapted to a new place, condition, etc., as a naturalised foreign word, or an animal or… …  

  • denizen — Synonyms and related words: addressee, artist in residence, citizen, colonize, dweller, empeople, frequenter, habitant, haunter, house detective, incumbent, inhabit, inhabitant, inhabiter, inmate, inpatient, intern, live in maid, liver, locum… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • denizen — den|i|zen [ˈdenızən] n [C + of] literary [Date: 1400 1500; : Anglo French; Origin: deinzein, from Old French denz inside ] an animal, plant, or person that lives or is found in a particular place …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • denizen — noun (countable + of) literary an animal, plant, or person that lives or is found in a particular place …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • denizen — n. 1 a foreigner admitted to certain rights in his or her adopted country. 2 a naturalized foreign word, animal, or plant. 3 (usu. foll. by of) poet. an inhabitant or occupant. Derivatives: denizenship n. Etymology: ME f. AF deinzein f. OF deinz… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of The Keys to the Kingdom characters — The Keys to the Kingdom is a fantasy adventure book series, written by Garth Nix, started in 2003 with Mister Monday. The series follows the story of Arthur Penhaligon and his charge as the Rightful Heir of the Architect to claim the Seven Keys… …   Wikipedia

  • Characters of The Keys to the Kingdom — The Keys to the Kingdom is a fantasy adventure book series, written by Garth Nix, started in 2003 with Mister Monday . The series follows the story of Arthur Penhaligon and his charge as the Rightful Heir of the Architect to claim the Seven Keys… …   Wikipedia

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