Смотреть что такое "denitrator" в других словарях:
denitrator — (ˈ)dē+ noun : one that denitrates: as a. : an apparatus in which denitration is conducted b. : one who operates denitrator towers for the recovery of nitric acid in the manufacture of trinitrotoluene … Useful english dictionary
denitrator — noun Any device used to remove nitrates or other nitrogen compounds, especially from water … Wiktionary
denitrator — de·nitrator … English syllables
Red oil — is defined as a substance of varying composition formed when an organic solution, typically tri n butyl phosphate (TBP, an agent used for extracting heavy metals in nuclear reprocessing plants) and its diluent, comes in contact with concentrated… … Wikipedia
Sera (company) — Infobox Company company name = Sera GmbH. company | company type = limited liability company/family owned company slogan = For a water world according to nature foundation = Germany (1970) location = Heinsberg, Germany key people = Josef Ravnak,… … Wikipedia