Смотреть что такое "denitrated" в других словарях:
Glyceryl trinitrate (pharmacology) — This article is about the chemical properties of nitroglycerin and its use medical and pharmacological applications. For as an explosive, see Nitroglycerin. Glyceryl trinitrate (pharmacology) … Wikipedia
denitrate — denitration, n. /dee nuy trayt/, v.t., denitrated, denitrating. Chem. to free from nitric acid or nitrates; remove oxides of nitrogen from. [1860 65; DE + NITRATE] * * * … Universalium
denitrate — [dē nī′trāt΄] vt. denitrated, denitrating to remove nitric acid, the nitrate radical, the nitro group, or nitrogen oxide from denitration n … English World dictionary