- demonetizing
- сущ. лишение стоимости, обесценивание;
изъятие из обращения (о монете)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
demonetizing — demonetize (Amer.) de·mon·e·tize || ‚diË mÊŒnɪtaɪz v. remove money from circulation; deprive of monetary value (also demonetise) … English contemporary dictionary
demonetization — de*mon e*ti*za tion, n. The act of demonetizing, or the condition of being demonetized; specificially, the declaration by a government that something (e.g. gold or silver) is no longer the legal tender of a country; as, the demonetization of gold … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
demonetize — demonetization, n. /dee mon i tuyz , mun /, v.t., demonetized, demonetizing. 1. to divest (a monetary standard or the like) of value. 2. to withdraw (money or the like) from use. 3. to deprive (an issue of postage stamps) of validity by legal… … Universalium
demonetization — noun The act or process of demonetizing … Wiktionary
Morgan dollar — This article is about the United States dollar coin. For the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series team formerly known as Morgan Dollar Motorsports, see Randy Moss Motorsports. Morgan dollar United States Value 1 United States dollar Mass… … Wikipedia
demonetize — [dē män′ə tīz΄] vt. demonetized, demonetizing 1. to deprive (esp. currency) of its standard value 2. to stop using (silver or gold) as a monetary standard demonetization n … English World dictionary
de|mon|e|ti|za|tion — «dee MON uh tuh ZAY shuhn, MUHN », noun. a demonetizing or being demonetized … Useful english dictionary
de|mon|e|tize — «dee MON uh tyz, MUHN », transitive verb, tized, tiz|ing. 1. to deprive of its standard value as money: »Demonetizing gold and printing money to suit national policy would produce chaos since other nations would do the same thing (Wall Street… … Useful english dictionary