demand for payment
Смотреть что такое "demand for payment" в других словарях:
demand for payment — index bill (invoice) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
presentment for payment — The method by which it is determined whether a person primarily liable on an instrument will pay or whether it will be necessary to resort for payment to persons secondarily liable. A demand for payment; a personal or face to face demand… … Ballentine's law dictionary
demand — de·mand 1 n 1: a formal request or call for something (as payment for a debt) esp. based on a right or made with force a shareholder must first make a demand on the corporation s board of directors to act R. C. Clark a written demand for payment… … Law dictionary
demand guarantee — International A guarantee that imposes a primary obligation on the issuer to pay the beneficiary on its first demand for payment, where the primary obligor fails to perform the contract. The issuer s obligations are not affected by disputes over… … Law dictionary
demand letter — A letter usually from a lawyer on behalf of a client that makes a demand for payment or some other action which is in default. Under the Bankruptcy and insolvency Act, a financial institution before it takes any action must give demand and notice … Glossary of Bankruptcy
demand — an order to comply with an obligation. In business, paying on demand means that the obligation must be satisfied immediately when requested. Glossary of Business Terms The desire to purchase economic goods or services (and the financial ability… … Financial and business terms
demand — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 firm request ADJECTIVE ▪ legitimate, realistic, reasonable ▪ I think your demand for a higher salary is perfectly reasonable. ▪ outrageous, unrealistic … Collocations dictionary
demand — I v. To claim as one s due; to require; to ask relief. To summon; to call in court II n. The assertion of a legal right; a legal obligation asserted in the courts. An imperative request preferred by one person to another, under a claim of right,… … Black's law dictionary
demand — I v. To claim as one s due; to require; to ask relief. To summon; to call in court II n. The assertion of a legal right; a legal obligation asserted in the courts. An imperative request preferred by one person to another, under a claim of right,… … Black's law dictionary
demand — [di mand′, dimänd′] vt. [ME demaunden < OFr demander, to demand < L demandare, to give in charge < de , away, from + mandare, to entrust: see MANDATE] 1. to ask for boldly or urgently 2. to ask for as a right or with authority 3. to… … English World dictionary
payment — I (act of paying) noun acquittal, acquittance, amortization, amortizement, clearance, compensation, defrayal, defrayment, disbursement, discharge of a debt, expenditure, liquidation, outlay, quittance, receipt in full, reckoning, recompense,… … Law dictionary