- demagnetized
- размагничивать размагниченный см. также demagnetize
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
demagnetized — adjective From which all magnetism has been removed … Wiktionary
demagnetized — demagnetize (Amer.) de·mag·net·ize || ‚diË mægnɪtaɪz v. remove magnetic properties (also demagnetise) … English contemporary dictionary
demagnetized — … Useful english dictionary
Magnetic-particle inspection — (MPI) is a non destructive testing (NDT) process for detecting surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferroelectric materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys. The process puts a magnetic field into the part. The piece… … Wikipedia
Neodymium magnet — Nickel plated neodymium magnet on a bracket from a hard drive. Nickel plated neodymium m … Wikipedia
magnetism — /mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the properties of attraction possessed by magnets; the molecular properties common to magnets. 2. the agency producing magnetic phenomena. 3. the science dealing with magnetic phenomena. 4. strong attractive power or… … Universalium
de|mag´net|iz´er — de|mag|net|ize «dee MAG nuh tyz», verb, ized, iz|ing. –v.t. to deprive of magnetism or magnetic properties: »A sample may be demagnetized by reversing the magnetizing current a number of times, decreasing its magnitude with each reversal (Sears… … Useful english dictionary
de|mag|net|ize — «dee MAG nuh tyz», verb, ized, iz|ing. –v.t. to deprive of magnetism or magnetic properties: »A sample may be demagnetized by reversing the magnetizing current a number of times, decreasing its magnitude with each reversal (Sears and Zemansky).… … Useful english dictionary
Demagnetization — Demagnetize De*mag net*ize, v. t. 1. To deprive of magnetic properties; to render nonmagnetic. See {Magnetize}. [1913 Webster] If the bar be rapidly magnetized and demagnetized. Am. Cyc. [1913 Webster] 2. To free from mesmeric influence; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Demagnetize — De*mag net*ize, v. t. 1. To deprive of magnetic properties; to render nonmagnetic. See {Magnetize}. [1913 Webster] If the bar be rapidly magnetized and demagnetized. Am. Cyc. [1913 Webster] 2. To free from mesmeric influence; to demesmerize.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Demagnetizer — Demagnetize De*mag net*ize, v. t. 1. To deprive of magnetic properties; to render nonmagnetic. See {Magnetize}. [1913 Webster] If the bar be rapidly magnetized and demagnetized. Am. Cyc. [1913 Webster] 2. To free from mesmeric influence; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English