- delivery maintenance
- техническое обслуживание перед пуском в эксплуатацию
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Software maintenance — In software engineering, software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment.”(ISO/IEC 14764). This… … Wikipedia
Project delivery method — A project delivery method is a system used by an agency or owner for organizing and financing design, construction, operations, and maintenance services for a structure or facility by entering into legal agreements with one or more entities or… … Wikipedia
CCU Delivery — Customer Configuration Updating (CCU) is a production method developed by researchers of the Utrecht University. This method should help product software developers in structuring the process of providing customers with new versions of products… … Wikipedia
Planned Maintenance System — The PMS Planned Maintenance System is a paper/software based system which allows ship owners and/or operators to carry out maintenance in intervals according to manufacturers and class/Classification society requirements. The maintenance,… … Wikipedia
Nuclear weapons delivery — Contents 1 Main delivery mechanisms 1.1 Gravity bomb 1.2 Ballistic missile … Wikipedia
Total Productive Maintenance — TPM steht im Original für Total Productive Maintenance. Heute wird TPM auch als Total Productive Manufacturing oder Total Productive Management im Sinne eines umfassenden Produktionssystems interpretiert. Hier können Parallelen zu Kaizen oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Datagram Delivery Protocol — (DDP) ist ein Begriff aus der Informatik. Das Datagram Delivery Protocol ist das Datenübertragungsprotokoll innerhalb von AppleTalk. Das DDP ist vergleichbar mit dem Internet Protocol (IP). Name Binding Protocol (NBP), Routing Table Maintenance… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data maintenance — is the adding, deleting, changing and updating of binary and high level files, and the real world data associated with those files. Data can be maintained manually and/or through an automated program, but at origination and translation/delivery… … Wikipedia
applications maintenance — The support, by way of help desk support, error correction and delivery of upgrades and releases, of software applications already used by the company. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms.… … Law dictionary
health maintenance organization — health main·te·nance or·ga·ni·za·tion mānt nən(t)s .ȯrg (ə )nə zā shən, mānt ən ən(t)s n HMO * * * (HMO) a broad term encompassing a variety of health care delivery systems utilizing group practice and providing alternatives to the fee for… … Medical dictionary
Release Management — is the relatively new but rapidly growing discipline within software engineering of managing software releases.As software systems, software development processes, and resources become more distributed, they invariably become more specialized and … Wikipedia