
ˈdi:lɪkt сущ.;
юр. деликт, правонарушение, нарушение закона in flagrant delict (юридическое) деликт, правонарушение, нарушение закона - (to catch smb.) in flagrant * (застать кого-л.) на месте преступления delict юр. деликт, нарушение закона, правонарушение;
in flagrant delict на месте преступления ~ деликт ~ нарушение закона ~ правонарушение, нарушение закона ~ правонарушение delict юр. деликт, нарушение закона, правонарушение;
in flagrant delict на месте преступления

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "delict" в других словарях:

  • delict — DELÍCT, delicte, s.n. Fapt nepermis de legea penală; infracţiune de mai mică gravitate, care se sancţionează cu amendă penală sau cu închisoare corecţională. – Din lat. delictum. cf. fr. d é l i t. Trimis de RACAI, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

  • delict — de·lict /di likt/ n [Latin delictum misdeed, offense, from neuter past participle of delinquere to commit (an offense), err] 1 in the civil law of Louisiana: offense (2); esp: an offense other than breach of contract that creates an obligation… …   Law dictionary

  • delict — Delict, Delictum. Attaint et convaincu d un delict, Manifestus delicti, Tacit. Punir les delicts, Coercere delicta suppliciis. Horat. Le delict commun, Crimen translatitium, Crimen simpliciter dictum, Criminatio translatitia. B …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Delict — De*lict , n. [L. delictum fault.] (Law) An offense or transgression against law; (Scots Law) an offense of a lesser degree; a misdemeanor. [1913 Webster] Every regulation of the civil code necessarily implies a delict in the event of its… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • delict — 1520s, from L. delictum fault, offense, crime, neut. sing. of pp. of delinquere (see DELINQUENT (Cf. delinquent)). Phrase in flagrant delict translates L. in flagrante delicto …   Etymology dictionary

  • Delict — Delict, Vergehen, das zu Schadenersatz und in bestimmten Fällen auch zur Privatstrafe verpflichtet. Im weitern Sinn auch Verbrechen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • delict — [di likt′] n. [L delictum, a fault < pp. of delinquere: see DELINQUENCY] Law an offense; wrong or injury …   English World dictionary

  • Delict — In civil law, a delict is an intentional or negligent act which gives rise to a legal obligation between parties even though there has been no contract between them. Due to the large number of civil law systems in the world, it is hard to state… …   Wikipedia

  • delict — /di likt /, n. 1. Law. a misdemeanor; offense. 2. Roman and Civil Law. a civil wrong permitting compensation. [1515 25; < L delictum a fault, n. use of neut. of delictus (ptp. of delinquere to do wrong; see DELINQUENCY), equiv. to delic fail +… …   Universalium

  • delict — Criminal offense; tort; a wrong. In Roman law this word, taken in its most general sense, is wider in both directions than our English term tort. On the one hand, it includes those wrongful acts which, while directly affecting some individual or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • delict — Criminal offense; tort; a wrong. In Roman law this word, taken in its most general sense, is wider in both directions than our English term tort. On the one hand, it includes those wrongful acts which, while directly affecting some individual or… …   Black's law dictionary

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