Delicately — Del i*cate*ly (d[e^]l [i^]*k[asl]t*l[y^]), adv. In a delicate manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
delicately — mid 14c., luxuriously, from DELICATE (Cf. delicate) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Meaning softly, gently is early 15c … Etymology dictionary
delicately — [adv] carefully beautifully, cautiously, daintily, deftly, elegantly, exquisitely, fastidiously, finely, gracefully, lightly, precisely, sensitively, skillfully, softly, subtly, tactfully; concepts 542,544 Ant. indelicately, strongly, uncarefully … New thesaurus
delicately — del|i|cate|ly [ delıkətli ] adverb 1. ) in a careful way, so that something is not damaged: He placed the fruits delicately into a box. a ) in a graceful way, with small or light movements: She raised the cup delicately to her lips. b ) in a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
delicately — UK [ˈdelɪkətlɪ] / US adverb 1) in a careful way, so that something is not damaged He placed the fruits delicately into a box. 2) in a careful way so that people are not upset or annoyed We need to handle the situation very delicately. 3) in a… … English dictionary
delicately — adverb a) In a delicate manner; exquisitely. The gingerbread was delicately, if imprecisely, captured by the brushstrokes. b) Tactfully. He approached the main subject delicately … Wiktionary
delicately — adv. Delicately is used with these adjectives: ↑balanced, ↑carved, ↑coloured, ↑flavoured, ↑patterned, ↑poised, ↑scented, ↑woven Delicately is used with these verbs: ↑balance, ↑embroider, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
delicately — delicate ► ADJECTIVE 1) very fine in texture or structure. 2) easily broken or damaged; fragile. 3) susceptible to illness or adverse conditions. 4) requiring sensitive or careful handling. 5) skilful; deft. 6) (of food or drink) subtly and… … English terms dictionary
Delicately Violent — EP by Eatliz Released … Wikipedia
delicately balanced — phrase easy to damage or destroy by any small changes Peace in the region is delicately balanced. Thesaurus: weak and easy to damage or breaksynonym liquid and neither liquid nor solidhyponym Main entry: delicately … Useful english dictionary
delicately balanced — easy to damage or destroy by any small changes Peace in the region is delicately balanced … English dictionary