deliberative assembly

deliberative assembly
совещательный орган

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deliberative assembly" в других словарях:

  • Deliberative assembly — A deliberative assembly is an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure to make decisions. In a speech to the electorate at Bristol in 1774, Edmund Burke described the English Parliament as a deliberative assembly, [1] and… …   Wikipedia

  • deliberative assembly — noun an assembly of people for the purpose of unhurried consideration and discussion • Hypernyms: ↑assembly • Hyponyms: ↑General Assembly * * * noun : a nonlegislative organization that conducts meetings according to parliamentary law …   Useful english dictionary

  • Assembly — may refer to:Biology* Sequence assembly * Genome assembly * Neuronal assembly and Cell assembly theoryPolitics* Deliberative assembly ** General Assembly ** House of Assembly ** Legislative Assembly ** Roman assemblies ** National Assembly **… …   Wikipedia

  • deliberative — [di lib′ər āt΄iv, di lib′ər ə tiv] adj. [L deliberativus] 1. of or for deliberating [a deliberative assembly] 2. characterized by or resulting from deliberation deliberatively adv …   English World dictionary

  • Deliberative democracy — Part of the Politics series Democracy History · Vari …   Wikipedia

  • Deliberative opinion poll — The deliberative opinion poll is a form of opinion poll that incorporates the principles of deliberative democracy and sortition. The concept was described by James S. Fishkin in his 1991 book Democracy and Deliberation . Dr. Fishkin s method,… …   Wikipedia

  • assembly — Synonyms and related words: British Cabinet, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, advisory body, architecture, assemblage, assemblee, assembly line, assembly line production, assignation, association, at home, ball, bench, bicameral legislature, board, board… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • deliberative — adjective relating to or involving consideration or discussion: a deliberative assembly …   English new terms dictionary

  • deliberative — adj. of, or appointed for the purpose of, deliberation or debate (a deliberative assembly). Derivatives: deliberatively adv. deliberativeness n. Etymology: F deacutelibeacuteratif ive or L deliberativus (as DELIBERATE) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Assembly of Experts — of Iran مجلس خبرگان رهبری Type Type Advice (opin …   Wikipedia

  • assembly — n. 1) to convene an assembly 2) a constitutional; deliberative; general; legislative; national; public assembly 3) (misc.) the right of assembly * * * [ə semblɪ] deliberative general legislative national public assembly (misc.) the right of… …   Combinatory dictionary

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