delay an action
Смотреть что такое "delay an action" в других словарях:
Delay box — is a common slang term used in drag racing to describe an on board timer which is a Transmission Brake Delay Timer. A transbrake forces the race car to remain stationary at the starting line, in gear, regardless of how much engine power is… … Wikipedia
delay — vb 1 Delay, retard, slow, slacken, detain are not always close synonyms, but they carry the same basic meaning: to cause someone or something to be behind in his or its schedule or usual rate of movement or progress. Delay implies the operation,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Action Park — was a waterpark/motor themed park open from 1978 to 1996 in Vernon Township, New Jersey, on the property of the former Vernon Valley / Great Gorge ski area, today Mountain Creek. It featured three separate attraction areas: an alpine slide;… … Wikipedia
delay — [n] deferment, interruption adjournment, bind, check, cooling off period*, cunctation, dawdling, demurral, detention, discontinuation, downtime*, filibuster, hangup*, hindrance, holding, holding pattern*, hold up*, impediment, interval, jam, lag … New thesaurus
Delay of game — For Association football/soccer, see Timewasting. For the administrative decision to cease play and resume at a later time and/or day, see Delay (game). Delay of game is an action in a sports game in which a player or team deliberately stalls the … Wikipedia
Delay-action bomb — A delay action bomb is an aerial bomb designed to explode some time after impact, with the bomb s fuzes set to delay the explosion for times ranging from very brief to several weeks. Short delays were used to allow the bomb to penetrate before… … Wikipedia
Delay reduction hypothesis — In classical conditioning, the delay reduction hypothesis states that certain discriminative stimuli (DS) are more effective as conditioned reinforcers (CR) if they signal a decrease in time to a positive reinforcer or an increase in time to an… … Wikipedia
Action potential — In physiology, an action potential is a short lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory. Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called… … Wikipedia
delay — i. As it pertains to air traffic control, delays are incurred when a controller takes any action that prevents an aircraft from proceeding normally to its destination for an interval of 15 minutes or more. This includes actions to delay departing … Aviation dictionary
delay — v. & n. v. 1 tr. postpone; defer. 2 tr. make late (was delayed at the traffic lights). 3 intr. loiter; be late (don t delay!). n. 1 the act or an instance of delaying; the process of being delayed. 2 time lost by inaction or the inability to… … Useful english dictionary
delay-action relay — delsioji relė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. delay action relay; delayed relay; time lag relay vok. verzögert wirkendes Relais, n; verzögertes Relais, n; Verzögerungsrelais, n rus. реле замедленного действия, n; реле с замедлением, n … Fizikos terminų žodynas