Смотреть что такое "deionize" в других словарях:
deionize — de*i on*ize v. t. 1. (Chem.) to remove ions from (a solution). [WordNet 1.5] 2. to reassociate the ions of (an ionized gas). RHUD [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deionize — (Amer.) v. (Chemistry) purify by removing ionic salts (also deionise) … English contemporary dictionary
deionize — [dē ī′ə nīz΄] vt. deionized, deionizing 1. to remove ions from (water) by the use of cation and anion exchangers 2. to restore (ionized gas) to its former condition … English World dictionary
deionize — transitive verb Date: 1906 to remove ions from < deionize water by ion exchange > • deionization noun • deionizer noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
deionize — de·ion·ize or Brit de·ion·ise ( )dē ī ə .nīz vt, ized or Brit ised; iz·ing or Brit is·ing to remove ions from <deionize water by ion exchange> de·ion·iza·tion (.)dē .ī ə nə zā shən n de·ion·iz·er ( )dē ī ə .nī zər n … Medical dictionary
deionize — deionization, n. deionizer, n. /dee uy euh nuyz /, v.t., deionized, deionizing. Chem. 1. to remove ions from. 2. to reassociate the ions of (an ionized gas). Also, esp. Brit., deionise. [1905 10; DE + IONIZE] * * * … Universalium
deionize — verb To remove the ions from … Wiktionary
deionize — or deionise di: ʌɪənʌɪz verb [usu. as adjective deionized] remove the ions or ionic constituents from. Derivatives deionization noun deionizer noun … English new terms dictionary
deionize — de·ionize … English syllables
deionize — de•i•on•ize [[t]diˈaɪ əˌnaɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing 1) chem. to remove ions from 2) chem. to reassociate the ions of (an ionized gas) • Etymology: 1905–10 de•i on•i•za′tion, n. de•i′on•iz er, n … From formal English to slang
deionize — (also ise) remove the ions or ionic constituents from (water, air, etc.). Derivatives: deionization n. deionizer n … Useful english dictionary