deionization rate

deionization rate
скорость деионизации

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deionization rate" в других словарях:

  • ion-exchange reaction — ▪ chemical reaction Introduction       any of a class of chemical reactions between two substances (each consisting of positively and negatively charged species called ions (ion)) that involves an exchange of one or more ionic components.… …   Universalium

  • Home hemodialysis — (HHD), is the provision of hemodialysis in the home of people with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. In the US home hemodialysis was the most common method of renal replacement therapy in the early 1970s before the introduction of the Federal ESRD… …   Wikipedia

  • Fishkeeping — is a popular hobby concerned with keeping fish in the home aquarium or garden pond. Types of fishkeeping The hobby can be broadly divided into three specific disciplines, freshwater, brackish, and marine (also called saltwater) fishkeeping.… …   Wikipedia

  • Aquarium — An aquarium (plural aquariums or aquaria ) is a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water dwelling plants or animals are kept. Fishkeepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, marine mammals, and aquatic… …   Wikipedia

  • Bottled water — is drinking water packaged in bottles for individual consumption and retail sale. The water can be glacial water, spring water, well water, purified water or simply water from the public water supply (tap water). [ [… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemistry of biofilm prevention — Biofilm formation occurs when free floating microorganisms attach themselves to a surface. They secrete extracellular polymers that provide a structural matrix and facilitate adhesion. Because biofilms protect the bacteria, they are often more… …   Wikipedia

  • Melting — Ice melting Molten redirects here. For the Japanese company, see Molten Corporation; or see Molton or Moulton. Melting, or fusion, is a physical process that results in the phase change of a substance from a solid to a liquid. The internal energy …   Wikipedia

  • Shenzhou 6 — ] At 01:39 UTC Chen Bingde, the Chief Commander of the Chinese space program, announced the launch was successful. The crew ate their first meal in space at 03:11 UTC.Before the flight, the launch time had been the object of speculation by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerogel — is a low density solid state material derived from gel in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with gas. The result is an extremely low density solid with several remarkable properties, most notably its effectiveness as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Marine aquarium — See also: Reef aquarium A marine aquarium …   Wikipedia

  • Electrodialysis — ) in that dissolved species are moved away from the feed stream rather than the reverse. Because the quantity of dissolved species in the feed stream is far less than that of the fluid, electrodialysis offers the practical advantage of much… …   Wikipedia

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