
deɪn гл. снизойти;
удостоить he did not deign to speak ≈ он не соизволил заговорить he did not deign an answer ≈ он не удостоил нас ответом Syn : condescend снизойти, соизволить, соблаговолить - will you * to answer my question? может быть, вы соблаговолите ответить на мой вопрос? - he did not * to come он не соизволил прийти - he doesn't * to acknowledge old friends он не желает признавать старых друзей (преим. в отриц. предложениях или с наречиями hardly, scarcely) удостаивать - to * no answer /reply/ не удостоить ответом - without *ing to look at me не удостоив меня взглядом (преим. в отриц. предложениях) унижаться - I do not * to reply to such impertinence я не стану отвечать на такую дерзость deign соизволить;
he did not deign to speak он не соизволил заговорить;
he did not deign an answer он не удостоил нас ответом deign соизволить;
he did not deign to speak он не соизволил заговорить;
he did not deign an answer он не удостоил нас ответом deign соизволить;
he did not deign to speak он не соизволил заговорить;
he did not deign an answer он не удостоил нас ответом

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deign" в других словарях:

  • Deign — (d[=a]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deigned} (d[=a]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Deigning}.] [OE. deinen, deignen, OF. degner, deigner, daigner, F. daigner, fr. L. dignari to deem worthy, deign, fr. dignus worthy; akin to decere to be fitting. See {Decent},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deign — Deign, v. i. To think worthy; to vouchsafe; to condescend; followed by an infinitive. [1913 Webster] O deign to visit our forsaken seats. Pope. [1913 Webster] Yet not Lord Cranstone deigned she greet. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Round turned he …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deign — [deın] v [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: deignier, from Latin dignus deserving admiration ] deign to do sth to do something that you think you are really too important to do often used humorously ▪ Travis called after her, but she didn t… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • deign — ► VERB (deign to do) ▪ do something that one considers to be beneath one s dignity. ORIGIN Latin dignare deem worthy , from dignus worthy …   English terms dictionary

  • deign — [dān] vi. [ME deignen < OFr deignier < L dignare, dignari, to deem worthy < dignus, worthy: see DIGNITY] to condescend to do something thought to be slightly beneath one s dignity [the duchess deigned to shake my hand] vt. to condescend… …   English World dictionary

  • deign — I verb allow, allow with condescension, be so good as to, condescend, descend, favor, grant, patronize, stoop, vouchsafe II index accede (concede), bestow, patronize (condescend toward) Burt …   Law dictionary

  • deign — [ deın ] verb intransitive if someone deigns to do something, they do it but in a way that shows they are not willing: Mandy was the only person who deigned to speak to him …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • deign — c.1300, from O.Fr. deignier (Mod.Fr. daigner), from L. dignari to deem worthy or fit (Cf. It. degnare, Sp. deñar), from dignus worthy (see DIGNITY (Cf. dignity)). Sense of take or accept graciously led to that of condescend (1580s) …   Etymology dictionary

  • deign — condescend, *stoop Analogous words: vouchsafe, accord, concede, *grant, award …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • deign — [v] lower oneself condescend, consent, deem worthy, patronize, see fit*, stoop, think fit*, vouchsafe; concept 35 Ant. be proud, hold head high …   New thesaurus

  • deign — UK [deɪn] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms deign : present tense I/you/we/they deign he/she/it deigns present participle deigning past tense deigned past participle deigned showing disapproval if someone deigns to do something, they do it but… …   English dictionary

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