- deictic
- ˈdaɪktɪk прил.;
лог. непосредственно доказывающий (логика) непосредственно доказывающий дейктический deictic лог. непосредственно доказывающий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
deictic — DEÍCTIC, Ă, deictici, ce, adj. Care arată, care demonstrează, care întăreşte un sens. – Din fr. déictique. Trimis de laurap, 22.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 deíctic adj. m., pl. deíctici; f. sg. deíctică, pl … Dicționar Român
Deictic — Deic tic (d[imac]k t[i^]k), a. [Gr. deiktiko s serving to show or point out, fr. deikny nai to show.] 1. (Logic) Direct; proving directly; applied to reasoning, and opposed to {elenchtic} or refutative. [1913 Webster] 2. (Grammar) showing or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deictic — [dīk′tik] adj. [Gr deiktikos < deiktos, capable of proof < deiknynai, to prove; akin to L dicere: see DICTION] 1. Rare directly pointing out or proving 2. Linguis. having the function of pointing out or specifying, and having its reference… … English World dictionary
deictic — 1828, from Latinized form of Gk. deiktikos able to show, from deiktos shown, verbal adj. from deiknynai to show (see DICTION (Cf. diction)) … Etymology dictionary
deictic — adjective Etymology: Greek deiktikos able to show, from deiktos, verbal of deiknynai to show more at diction Date: 1876 showing or pointing out directly < the words this, that, and those have a deictic function > … New Collegiate Dictionary
deictic — deictically, adv. /duyk tik/, adj. 1. Logic. proving directly. 2. Gram. specifying identity or spatial or temporal location from the perspective of one or more of the participants in an act of speech or writing, in the context of either an… … Universalium
deictic — deic•tic [[t]ˈdaɪk tɪk[/t]] adj. 1) gram. specifying identity or spatial or temporal location from the perspective of one or more of the participants in an act of speech or writing, as the words we, you, here, now, then, and that[/ex] 2) gram. a… … From formal English to slang
deictic — adj. & n. Philol. & Gram. adj. pointing, demonstrative. n. a deictic word. Etymology: Gk deiktikos f. deiktos capable of proof f. deiknumi show … Useful english dictionary
deictic word — noun a word specifying identity or spatial or temporal location from the perspective of a speaker or hearer in the context in which the communication occurs words that introduce particulars of the speaker s and hearer s shared cognitive field… … Useful english dictionary
deictic — См. dèictico … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
deictic — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to deixis; to a word whose meaning is dependent on context 2. noun Such a word (such as I or here) … Wiktionary