degree of representation
Смотреть что такое "degree of representation" в других словарях:
Representation (arts) — Representation describes the signs that stand in for and take the place of something else.Mitchell, W. 1995, Representation , in F Lentricchia T McLaughlin (eds), Critical Terms for Literary Study , 2nd edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago]… … Wikipedia
Degree of polarization — (DOP) is a quantity used to describe the portion of an electromagnetic wave which is polarized. A perfectly polarized wave has a DOP of 100%, whereas an unpolarized wave has a DOP of 0%. A wave which is partially polarized, and therefore can be… … Wikipedia
Representation theory — This article is about the theory of representations of algebraic structures by linear transformations and matrices. For the more general notion of representations throughout mathematics, see representation (mathematics). Representation theory is… … Wikipedia
Representation theory of SL2(R) — In mathematics, the main results concerning irreducible unitary representations of the Lie group SL2(R) are due to Gelfand and Naimark (1946), V. Bargmann (1947), and Harish Chandra (1952). Structure of the complexified Lie algebra We choose a… … Wikipedia
representation — by John Marks Representation , for Deleuze, entails an essentially moral view of the world, explicitly or implicitly drawing on what everybody knows , and he conceives of philosophy as an antidote to this view. Representation cannot help us … The Deleuze dictionary
representation — by John Marks Representation , for Deleuze, entails an essentially moral view of the world, explicitly or implicitly drawing on what everybody knows , and he conceives of philosophy as an antidote to this view. Representation cannot help us … The Deleuze dictionary
representation of persons — A fiction of the law, the effect of which is to put the representative in the place, degree, or right of the person represented. Civ.Code La. art. 894 … Black's law dictionary
Seat Allocation Error and Degree of Negation — The principle of proportional representation asserts that the share of the total seats of a party that is entitled to receive a seat is equal to its share of the total votes of all the parties that are entitled to receive a seat.The ideal number… … Wikipedia
Proportional representation — (sometimes referred to as full representation, or PR), is a category of electoral formula aiming at a close match between the percentage of votes that groups of candidates (grouped by a certain measure) obtain in elections and the percentage of… … Wikipedia
Regular representation — In mathematics, and in particular the theory of group representations, the regular representation of a group G is the linear representation afforded by the group action of G on itself. ignificance of the regular representation of a groupTo say… … Wikipedia
The World as Will and Representation — The title page of the expanded 1844 publication The World as Will and Representation (Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung) is the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The first edition was published in December 1818,[1] and… … Wikipedia