degree of divisor
Смотреть что такое "degree of divisor" в других словарях:
Divisor (algebraic geometry) — In algebraic geometry, divisors are a generalization of codimension one subvarieties of algebraic varieties; two different generalizations are in common use, Cartier divisors and Weil divisors (named for Pierre Cartier and André Weil). These… … Wikipedia
Divisor summatory function — The summatory function, with leading terms removed, for x < 104 … Wikipedia
Greatest common divisor of two polynomials — Informally, the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two polynomials p ( x ) and q ( x ) is the biggest polynomial that divides evenly into both p ( x ) and q ( x ). The definition is modeled on the concept of the greatest common divisor of two… … Wikipedia
Theta-divisor — In mathematics, the theta divisor Theta; is the divisor in the sense of algebraic geometry defined on an abelian variety A over the complex numbers (and principally polarized) by the zero locus of the associated Riemann theta function. It is… … Wikipedia
greatest common divisor — noun the largest integer that divides without remainder into a set of integers • Syn: ↑greatest common factor, ↑highest common factor • Hypernyms: ↑common divisor, ↑common factor, ↑common measure * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
Special divisor — In mathematics, in the theory of algebraic curves, certain divisors on a curve C are particular, in the sense of determining more compatible functions than would be predicted. These are the special divisors. In classical language, they move on… … Wikipedia
greatest common divisor — noun Date: 1851 the largest integer or the polynomial of highest degree that is an exact divisor of each of two or more integers or polynomials called also greatest common factor … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cyclic redundancy check — A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error detecting code designed to detect accidental changes to raw computer data, and is commonly used in digital networks and storage devices such as hard disk drives. Blocks of data entering these systems… … Wikipedia
Riemann–Roch theorem — In mathematics, specifically in complex analysis and algebraic geometry, the Riemann–Roch theorem is an important tool in the computation of the dimension of the space of meromorphic functions with prescribed zeroes and allowed poles. It relates… … Wikipedia
Canonical bundle — In mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non singular algebraic variety V of dimension n is the line bundle which is the nth exterior power of the cotangent bundle Ω on V. Over the complex numbers, it is the determinant bundle of holomorphic n… … Wikipedia
Ample line bundle — In algebraic geometry, a very ample line bundle is one with enough global sections to set up an embedding of its base variety or manifold M into projective space. An ample line bundle is one such that some positive power is very ample. Globally… … Wikipedia