degenerate cube
Смотреть что такое "degenerate cube" в других словарях:
Degenerate dimension — Contents 1 The Kimball definition 2 Other uses of the term 3 See also 4 External reference 5 Notes … Wikipedia
Cube — This article is about the geometric shape. For other uses, see Cube (disambiguation). Regular Hexahedron (Click here for rotating model) Type Platonic solid Elements F = 6, E = 12 V = 8 (χ = 2) … Wikipedia
Snub cube — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 38, E = 60, V = 24 (χ = 2) Faces by sides (8+24){3}+6{4} … Wikipedia
OLAP cube — An OLAP cube (for online analytical processing) is a data structure that allows fast analysis of data.[1] It can also be defined as the capability of manipulating and analyzing data from multiple perspectives. The arrangement of data into cubes… … Wikipedia
White dwarf — For other uses, see White dwarf (disambiguation). Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Sirius B, which is a white dwarf, can be seen as a faint pinprick of light to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A … Wikipedia
Polygon — For other uses, see Polygon (disambiguation). Some polygons of different kinds In geometry a polygon ( … Wikipedia
Uniform star polyhedron — A display of uniform polyhedra at the Science Museum in London … Wikipedia
Dihedron — Set of regular n gonal dihedrons Example hexagonal dihedron on a sphere Type Regular polyhedron or spherical tiling Faces 2 n gons Edges n Vertices … Wikipedia
Dimension (data warehouse) — This article is about a dimension in a data warehouse. For other uses, see dimension (disambiguation). In a data warehouse, a dimension is a data element that categorizes each item in a data set into non overlapping regions. A data warehouse… … Wikipedia
Future of an expanding universe — Big Freeze redirects here. For other uses, see Big Freeze (disambiguation). Physical cosmology Univ … Wikipedia
Polyhedron — Polyhedra redirects here. For the relational database system, see Polyhedra DBMS. For the game magazine, see Polyhedron (magazine). For the scientific journal, see Polyhedron (journal). Some Polyhedra Dodecahedron (Regular polyhedron) … Wikipedia