- defocus image
- расфокусированное (дефокусированное) изображение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Defocus aberration — A photograph of Christmas lights with significant defocus aberration. v · d … Wikipedia
defocus — /dee foh keuhs/, v., defocused, defocusing or (esp. Brit.) defocussed, defocussing, n., pl. defocuses. v.t. 1. to cause loss of focus of: The slightest movement will defocus the microscope. 2. to interrupt or disturb (concentration, attention,… … Universalium
defocus — de·fo·cus ( )dē fō kəs vt, de·fo·cused; de·fo·cus·ing to cause to be out of focus <defocused her eye> <a defocused image> … Medical dictionary
Crystallographic image processing — (CIP) is a set of methods for determining the atomic structure of crystalline matter from high resolution electron microscopy (HREM) images obtained in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The term was created in the research group of Sven… … Wikipedia
F-Bajonett — Ein Objektiv mit Nikon F Bajonett mit den Automatik Übertragungselementen für die Blende, Brennweite und Autofokus … Deutsch Wikipedia
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy — (HRTEM) is an imaging mode of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) that allows the imaging of the crystallographic structure of a sample at an atomic scale. [cite book |title=Experimental high resolution electron microscopy |last=Spence… … Wikipedia
Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry … Wikipedia
Da Vinci Systems — is a main manufacturer of high end post production color grading and film restoration systems for feature films, video production and broadcast post production facilities. It was headquartered in Coral Springs, Florida still with offices in Los… … Wikipedia
Optical aberration — v · d · e Optical aberration … Wikipedia
Circle of confusion — For the closely related topic in microscopy, see Point spread function. In optics, a circle of confusion is an optical spot caused by a cone of light rays from a lens not coming to a perfect focus when imaging a point source. It is also known as… … Wikipedia
Transmission electron microscopy — A TEM image of the polio virus. The polio virus is 30 nm in size.[1] Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a microscopy technique whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it… … Wikipedia