deflection line

deflection line
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deflection line" в других словарях:

  • Deflection — De*flec tion, n. [L. deflexio, fr. deflectere: cf. F. d[ e]flexion.] 1. The act of turning aside, or state of being turned aside; a turning from a right line or proper course; a bending, esp. downward; deviation. [1913 Webster] The other leads to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deflection angle — i. In surveying, a horizontal angle measured from the prolongation of the preceding line to the following line. Deflection angles to the right are positive; those to the left are negative. ii. In photogrammetry, a vertical angle, measured in the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • deflection sighting line from vertical — taikymo linijos nuokrypis nuo vertikalės statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šaudymo krypties pakitimas keičiant vamzdžio pakilimo kampą. atitikmenys: angl. deflection sighting line from vertical rus. увод линии прицеливания …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • deflection — 1. A moving to one side. 2. In the electrocardiogram, a deviation of the curve from the isoelectric base line; any wave or complex of the electrocardiogram. [L. de flecto, pp. flexus, to bend aside] intrinsic …   Medical dictionary

  • deflection — /di flek sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or state of deflecting or the state of being deflected. 2. amount of deviation. 3. the deviation of the indicator of an instrument from the position taken as zero. 4. Optics. deviation (def. 5a). 5. Mil. the angle… …   Universalium

  • deflection — /dəˈflɛkʃən/ (say duh flekshuhn) noun 1. the act of deflecting. 2. the state of being deflected. 3. amount of deviation. 4. Physics the deviation or swing of the indicator of an instrument from the position taken as zero. 5. Optics the bending of …  

  • Vertical deflection — The vertical deflection (deflection of the plumb line, astro geodetic deflection) at a point on the earth is a measure of how far the direction of the local gravity field has been shifted by local anomalies such as nearby mountains. (Here gravity …   Wikipedia

  • Electrostatic deflection — refers to a technique for modifying the path of a stream of charged particles by the use of an electric field applied transverse to the path of the particles.The Lorentz force acts on any charged particle in an electromagnetic field.… …   Wikipedia

  • Asteroid deflection strategies — are methods by which near Earth objects could be diverted, preventing potentially catastrophic impact events. A sufficiently large impact would cause massive tsunamis and/or, by placing large quantities of dust into the stratosphere blocking… …   Wikipedia

  • Calling Line Identification Presentation — Als Vermittlungstechnische Leistungsmerkmale (engl.: supplementary services), oder auch kurz Dienstmerkmale genannt, bezeichnet man bei einem öffentlichen Telekommunikationsnetz zusätzlich durch das Netz zur Verfügung gestellte teilnehmerbezogene …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Influence line — Influence lines play an important part in the design of bridges, industrial crane rails, conveyor belts, and other structures where loads move across their span.An influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear, moment, or… …   Wikipedia

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