define problem
Смотреть что такое "define problem" в других словарях:
Problem-based learning — (PBL) is a student centered instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. It was pioneered and used extensively at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Characteristics of PBL… … Wikipedia
Problem-oriented policing — (POP), coined by University of Wisconsin Madison professor Herman Goldstein, is a policing strategy that involves the identification and analysis of specific crime and disorder problems, in order to develop effective response strategies in… … Wikipedia
define — verb ADVERB ▪ accurately, carefully, correctly, exactly, explicitly, precisely, specifically ▪ It is important to define these terms accurately. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Problem of evil — Part of a series on God General conceptions … Wikipedia
problem — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth that causes difficulties ADJECTIVE ▪ acute, big, enormous, grave, great, huge, important, major, serious, significant … Collocations dictionary
Canadian traveller problem — In computer science and graph theory, the Canadian traveller problem is a generalization of the shortest path problem to graphs where the cost of traversing an edge isn t completely known until reaching it. The problem was introduced by… … Wikipedia
Plato's Problem — is the term given by Noam Chomsky to the gap between knowledge and experience. It presents the question of how we account for our knowledge when environmental conditions seem to be an insufficient source of information. It is used in linguistics… … Wikipedia
Species problem — The species problem is a mixture of difficult, related questions that often come up when biologists identify species and when they define the word species .One common but sometimes difficult question is how best to decide just which particular… … Wikipedia
Knapsack problem — BKP redirects here. For other uses, see BKP (disambiguation). Example of a one dimensional (constraint) knapsack problem: which boxes should be chosen to maximize the amount of money while still keeping the overall weight under or equal to… … Wikipedia
Gettier problem — A Gettier problem is a problem in modern epistemology issuing from counter examples to the definition of knowledge as justified true belief (JTB). The problem owes its name to a three page paper published in 1963, by Edmund Gettier, called Is… … Wikipedia
Circle-ellipse problem — The circle ellipse problem in software development (sometimes known as the square rectangle problem) illustrates a number of pitfalls which can arise when using subtype polymorphism in object modelling. The issues are most commonly encountered… … Wikipedia