deferred payment
Смотреть что такое "deferred payment" в других словарях:
deferred payment — index arrears, bill (invoice), debit, debt, nonpayment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
deferred payment — noun arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services • Syn: ↑credit • Ant: ↑cash (for: ↑credit) • Hypernyms: ↑payment * * * deferred payment … Useful english dictionary
deferred payment credit — A letters of credit where the seller is paid at a specified time in the future, for example, 90 days after presentation of documents or 90 days after shipment. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms.… … Law dictionary
deferred payment — payment delayed for a certain period, payment by installment after the date of purchase … English contemporary dictionary
Deferred Payment Annuity — An annuity where the payments received will start some time in the future, as opposed to starting when the annuity is initiated. An annuity is a financial contract that allows the buyer to make a lump sum payment, or a series of payments, in… … Investment dictionary
deferred payment — /dɪˌfa:d peɪmənt/ noun 1. money paid later than the agreed date 2. payment for goods by instalments over a long period … Marketing dictionary in english
deferred payment — /dɪˌfɜ:d peɪmənt/ noun 1. money paid later than the agreed date 2. payment for goods by instalments over a long period … Dictionary of banking and finance
Deferred Payment Option — An option with all the characteristics of an American vanilla option, with one exception: payment is deferred until the original expiration date. The option can be exercised at any time; however, payment is deferred until the original expiration… … Investment dictionary
deferred payment — Tradúzcase por pago diferido … Diccionario español de neologismos
Standard of deferred payment — A standard of deferred payment is the accepted way, in a given market, to settle a debt. For example, while the gold standard reigned, gold or any currency convertible to gold at a fixed rate constituted such a standard. As of 2003, the US dollar … Wikipedia
deferred payment annuity — An annuity that stipulates payments be made to the annuitant at a later date, such as when the annuitant reaches a certain age. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms