deferred dividend
Смотреть что такое "deferred dividend" в других словарях:
deferred dividend — Tontine insurance Ton*tine in*su rance (Life Insurance) Insurance in which the benefits of the insurance are distributed upon the tontine principle. Under the old, or {full tontine}, plan, all benefits were forfeited on lapsed policies, on the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deferred dividend — /dəfɜd ˈdɪvədɛnd/ (say duhferd divuhdend) noun a dividend to which the holder of a company share is not entitled before a certain lapse of time, unless ordinary shareholders receive more than the stated rate of dividend …
deferred dividend — noun : an insurance dividend payable from the surplus accumulated during a given period to those policyholders only who are alive at its expiry and whose policies are then in force … Useful english dictionary
deferred dividend policy — A policy of life insurance wherein it is stipulated that the insured is not entitled to any part of the surplus or dividend, otherwise accruing upon the policy annually, until the expiration of a dividend period, which may be 5 years, 10 years,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
dividend equivalent right — USA The right to receive an amount equal to any per share dividend declared by a company. Dividend equivalent rights are usually granted to an employee or other individual performing services for a company and may be paid in cash, company stock… … Law dictionary
dividend — The distribution of current or accumulated earnings to the shareholders of a corporation pro rata based on the number of shares owned. Dividends are usually issued in cash. However, they may be issued in the form of stock or property. The… … Black's law dictionary
dividend — The distribution of current or accumulated earnings to the shareholders of a corporation pro rata based on the number of shares owned. Dividends are usually issued in cash. However, they may be issued in the form of stock or property. The… … Black's law dictionary
deferred share — /dəfɜd ˈʃɛə/ (say duhferd shair) noun 1. → deferred delivery share. 2. a share which entitles the holder to a deferred dividend …
deferred share — ➔ Share * * * deferred share UK US noun [C] STOCK MARKET ► a type of share where the dividend (= part of a company s profits) does not have to be paid until payments have been made on all other shares: »The directors receive their cash… … Financial and business terms
Deferred Share — 1. A share that does not have any rights to the assets of a company undergoing bankruptcy until all common and preferred shareholders are paid. 2. A method of stock payment to directors and executives of a company through the deposit of shares… … Investment dictionary
deferred shares — /dɪˌfɜ:d ʃeəz/, deferred stock /dɪˌfɜ:d stɒk/ noun shares which receive a dividend only after all other dividends have been paid … Dictionary of banking and finance