Смотреть что такое "defenceman" в других словарях:
Defenceman — Defence (defense in the United States) in ice hockey is a player position whose primary responsibility is to prevent the opposing team from scoring. They are often referred to as defencemen, defensemen, D, D men or blueliners (the latter a… … Wikipedia
Defenceman (ice hockey) — Defence (defense in the U.S.A.) in ice hockey is a player position whose primary responsibility is to prevent the opposing team from scoring. They are often referred to as defencemen, D, or blueliners .In regular play, two defencemen complement… … Wikipedia
defenceman — chiefly British variant of defenseman … New Collegiate Dictionary
defenceman — noun In ice hockey and lacrosse, a player position with a primary responsibility to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals; same as defender in many other ballgames … Wiktionary
defenceman — defenceˈman or (esp N American) defenseˈman noun (in ice hockey and lacrosse) a player (other than the goalkeeper) who defends the goal • • • Main Entry: ↑defence … Useful english dictionary
Stay-at-home defenceman — In ice hockey, a stay at home defenceman is one who plays a very defensive minded game. The player is generally more concerned with guarding his team s end of the ice and preventing the opposing players from getting shots on his goal. The stay at … Wikipedia
CHL Defenceman of the Year Award — Der CHL Defenceman of the Year Award ist eine Auszeichnung der Canadian Hockey League. Er wird seit Ende der Saison 1987/88 jährlich an den besten Verteidiger der drei großen kanadischen Juniorenligen vergeben. Zur Wahl stehen jeweils der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CHL Defenceman of the Year — The CHL Defenceman of the Year award The CHL Defenceman of the Year Award is given out annually to the top defenceman in the Canadian Hockey League. Winners 2010 11 Ryan Ellis, Windsor Spitfires 2009–10 David Savard, Moncton Wildcats 2008–09… … Wikipedia
CHL Defenceman of the Year — Award Der CHL Defenceman of the Year Award ist eine Auszeichnung der Canadian Hockey League. Er wird seit Ende der Saison 1987/88 jährlich an den besten Verteidiger der drei großen kanadischen Juniorenligen vergeben. Zur Wahl stehen jeweils der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bobby Orr — For other people of the same name, see Robert Orr (disambiguation). Bobby Orr Orr in March 2010 … Wikipedia
NHL trade deadline — The National Hockey League s trade deadline is a date set by the NHL league office after which no trades will be allowed for the remainder of the season. The deadline for the 2010–11 NHL season is set for February 28, 2011 at 3 pm EST.[1] Prior… … Wikipedia