defective verb
Смотреть что такое "defective verb" в других словарях:
Defective verb — In linguistics, a defective verb is a verb which is missing e.g. a past tense, or cannot be used in some other way that normal verbs come. Formally, it is a verb with an incomplete conjugation. Defective verbs cannot be conjugated in certain… … Wikipedia
defective verb — noun A verb with an incomplete conjugation; for example, one that can only be conjugated in certain persons and numbers. The verb can is defective in most English dialects, as it lacks an infinitive … Wiktionary
Defective — may refer to:: Defective matrix, in algebra Defective verb, in linguistics Defective, or haser, in Hebrew orthography, a spelling variant that does not include mater lectionis Something presenting an anomaly making it unfunctional This… … Wikipedia
defective — [dē fek′tiv, difek′tiv] adj. [ME & OFr defectif < LL defectivus] 1. having a defect or defects; imperfect; faulty 2. Gram. lacking some of the usual forms of inflection [“ought” is a defective verb] 3. having a physical or mental defect;… … English World dictionary
defective — adjective 1 not made properly, or not working properly: defective components 2 technical defective verb a verb such as must or can that cannot be used in all the forms that a verb can usually be used in defectively adverb defectiveness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Defective script — A defective script is a script that does not represent all the phonemic distinctions of a language. For example, Italian has seven vowels, but only five vowel letters to represent them; in general, the differences between IPA|/e, ɛ/ and IPA|/o,… … Wikipedia
defective — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. imperfect in form or function ; faulty < a defective pane of glass > b. falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function < defective eyesight > 2. lacking one or more of the usual forms… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Defective — De*fect ive, a. [L. defectivus: cf. F. d[ e]fectif. See {Defect}.] 1. Wanting in something; incomplete; lacking a part; deficient; imperfect; faulty; applied either to natural or moral qualities; as, a defective limb; defective timber; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
verb — n. 1) to conjugate, inflect; passivize a verb 2) an auxiliary, helping; compound, phrasal; copular (esp. BE), copulative, linking; defective; irregular; main; modal; regular; strong; weak verb 3) an active; passive verb 4) an intransitive;… … Combinatory dictionary
Verb — This article is about the part of speech. For the physical activity program, see VERB (program). For English usage of verbs, see English verbs. Verbs redirects here. For the Christian gospel rapper, see Verbs (rapper). Examples I washed the car… … Wikipedia
Deponent verb — In linguistics, a deponent verb is a verb that is active in meaning but takes its form from a different voice, most commonly the middle or passive. A deponent verb doesn t have active forms; it can be said to have deposited them (into oblivion).… … Wikipedia