defective person
Смотреть что такое "defective person" в других словарях:
defective — defectively, adv. defectiveness, n. /di fek tiv/, adj. 1. having a defect or flaw; faulty; imperfect: a defective machine. 2. Psychol. characterized by subnormal intelligence or behavior. 3. Gram. (of an inflected word or its inflection) lacking… … Universalium
defective — de•fec•tive [[t]dɪˈfɛk tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) faulty 2) psl subnormal in intelligence or behavior 3) gram. lacking one or more of the inflected forms common to most words of the same class in a language, as must, which occurs only in the present tense… … From formal English to slang
defective — adj. & n. adj. 1 having a defect or defects; incomplete, imperfect, faulty. 2 mentally subnormal. 3 (usu. foll. by in) lacking, deficient. 4 Gram. not having all the usual inflections. n. a mentally defective person. Derivatives: defectively adv … Useful english dictionary
defective — [dē fek′tiv, difek′tiv] adj. [ME & OFr defectif < LL defectivus] 1. having a defect or defects; imperfect; faulty 2. Gram. lacking some of the usual forms of inflection [“ought” is a defective verb] 3. having a physical or mental defect;… … English World dictionary
Defective verb — In linguistics, a defective verb is a verb which is missing e.g. a past tense, or cannot be used in some other way that normal verbs come. Formally, it is a verb with an incomplete conjugation. Defective verbs cannot be conjugated in certain… … Wikipedia
Defective Premises Act 1972 — Parliament of the United Kingdom … Wikipedia
defective — Lacking in some particular which is essential to the completeness, legal sufficiency, or security of the object spoken of; as a defective service of process or return of service. A product is defective if it is not fit for the ordinary purposes… … Black's law dictionary
defective — Lacking in some particular which is essential to the completeness, legal sufficiency, or security of the object spoken of; as a defective service of process or return of service. A product is defective if it is not fit for the ordinary purposes… … Black's law dictionary
defective — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. imperfect in form or function ; faulty < a defective pane of glass > b. falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function < defective eyesight > 2. lacking one or more of the usual forms… … New Collegiate Dictionary
defective — 1. adjective a) Having one or more defects. b) lacking some forms; e.g., having only one tense or being usable only in the third person. Syn: faulty See Also: defect … Wiktionary
defective number — Imperfect Im*per fect, a. [L. imperfectus: pref. im not + perfectus perfect: cf. F imparfait, whence OE. imparfit. See {Perfect}.] 1. Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient. [1913 Webster] Something he… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English