defect-free performance
Смотреть что такое "defect-free performance" в других словарях:
Six Sigma — Not to be confused with Sigma 6. The often used Six Sigma symbol Part of a series of articles on I … Wikipedia
Extreme ultraviolet lithography — (also known as EUV or EUVL ) is a next generation lithography technology using the 13.5 nm EUV wavelength. EUVL opticsEUVL is a significant departure from the deep ultraviolet lithography used today. All matter absorbs EUV radiation. Hence, EUV… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Marshall Space Flight Center — George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Aerial view of the test area at MSFC … Wikipedia
warranty — A promise that a proposition of fact is true. The Fred Smartley, Jr., C.A.Va., 108 F.2d 603, 606. An assurance by one party to agreement of existence of fact upon which other party may rely. It is intended precisely to relieve promisee of any… … Black's law dictionary
Condition monitoring — is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in machinery, such that a significant change is indicative of a developing failure. It is a major component of predictive maintenance. The use of conditional monitoring allows maintenance to… … Wikipedia
Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program — The Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program (SERT) program conducted by NASA, was initiated by John Mankins and lead by Joe Howell in March 1999 for the following purpose:* Perform design studies of selected flight… … Wikipedia
Piano — Pianoforte redirects here. For earlier versions of the instrument, see Fortepiano. For other uses of Piano, see Piano (disambiguation). Piano Bösendorfer grand piano Keyboard instrument … Wikipedia
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act — The Magnuson Moss Warranty Act (P.L. 93 637) is a United States federal law (usc|15|2301 et seq. ). Enacted in 1975, it is the federal statute that governs warranties on consumer products.The Act was sponsored by Senator Warren G. Magnuson of… … Wikipedia
Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act — The Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act (P.L. 93 637) is a United States federal law, (15 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq.). Enacted in 1975, it is the federal statute that governs warranties on consumer products. The Act was sponsored by Senator Warren G … Wikipedia
Transparency and translucency — Diaphanes redirects here. For the genus of firefly, see Diaphanes (beetle). Translucence redirects here. For other uses, see Translucence (disambiguation). Translucent redirects here. For the Japanese manga series, see Translucent (manga).… … Wikipedia