- default declaration
- объявление с подразумеваемыми [присваиваемыми по умолчанию] значениями атрибута
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
default — de·fault /di fȯlt, dē ˌfȯlt/ n [Anglo French defalte defaute lack, fault, failure to answer a summons, from defaillir to be lacking, fail, from de , intensive prefix + faillir to fail] 1: failure to do something required by duty (as under a… … Law dictionary
Default argument — In computer programming, a default argument is an argument to a function that a programmer is not required to specify. A default value is specified when the function is declared and the default value is automatically passed to the function when… … Wikipedia
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples — Part of a series on Indigenous rights … Wikipedia
Default (computer science) — A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, outside of user intervention. Such settings are also called presets, especially for electronic devices. The … Wikipedia
Declaration of war by Canada — A declaration of war by Canada is a formal declaration issued by the Government of Canada indicating that a state of war exists between Canada and another nation. Since gaining the authority to declare war under the Statute of Westminster 1931,… … Wikipedia
Declaration (law) — In law, a declaration ordinarily refers to a judgment of the court or an award of an arbitration tribunal is a binding adjudication of the rights or other legal relations of the parties which does not provide for or order enforcement. Where the… … Wikipedia
Prague Declaration — (Pražská deklarace) is a term used for several declarations signed in Prague, Czech Republic.* 2008 – Prague Declaration of 3 June 2008, closing the conference Conscience of Europe and Communism (Svědomí Evropy a komunismus) , held in Prague at… … Wikipedia
Joint Declaration on the Question of Macau — Chinese title=Joint declaration of the Government of the People s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Portugal on the Question of Macau t=中華人民共和國政府和葡萄牙共和國政府關於澳門問題的聯合聲明 [cite web|title=中華人民共和國政府和葡萄牙共和國政府關於澳門問題的聯合聲明|url=http://ww… … Wikipedia
Sovereign default — A sovereign default is the failure or refusal of the government of a sovereign state to pay back its debt in full. It may be accompanied by a formal declaration of a government not to pay (repudiation) or only partially pay its debts (due… … Wikipedia
Czech Republic's reaction to the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence — The Czech Republic s reaction to the 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence follows Kosovo s declaration of independence from Serbia, enacted on 17 February 2008 by the Kosovan Parliament. The act proclaimed the Republic of Kosovo. On 21 May… … Wikipedia
Maladies Infectieuses À Déclaration Obligatoire En France — Un certain nombre d infections, par leur caractère potentiellement épidémique, sont considérées comme relevant de la santé publique et doivent obligatoirement être déclarées, ceci afin de surveiller un éventuel départ d épidémie et de prendre les … Wikipédia en Français