- default configuration
- типовая, стандартная, поставочная конфигурация (напр., программной системы)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Configuration file — rc file redirects here. For Microsoft Windows resource scripts, see Resource (Windows). A configuration file for GNU GRUB being modified with gedit. This file contains a list of Operating Systems, which GNU GRUB reads and presents to the user as… … Wikipedia
Default password — Where a device needs a username and/or password to login, a default password is usually provided that allows the device to be accessed during its initial setup. Manufacturers of such equipment typically use a simple password, such as admin or… … Wikipedia
configuration file — A file, created by an application or an operating system, containing configuration information specific to your own computing environment. Application configuration files may have a filename extension of CFG or SET; Windows configuration files … Dictionary of networking
Configuration Workgroup — The Configuration Workgroup e.V. (CWG) is an international user group of SAP customers and partners, focused on the topic of configurable products (cf. product configuration) as implemented in various SAP solutions. The CWG is a not for profit… … Wikipedia
Secure by default — Secure by default, in software , means that the default configuration settings are the most secure settings possible, which are not necessarily the most user friendly settings. In many cases, security and user friendliness is waged based on both… … Wikipedia
Convention over configuration — (also known as coding by convention) is a software design paradigm which seeks to decrease the number of decisions that developers need to make, gaining simplicity, but not necessarily losing flexibility. The phrase essentially means a developer… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol — DHCP redirects here. For other uses, see DHCP (disambiguation). A DHCP Server settings tab The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network configuration protocol for hosts on Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Computers that are… … Wikipedia
Wireless Zero Configuration — (WZC), also known as Wireless Auto Configuration, or WLAN AutoConfig is a wireless connection management utility included with Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems as a service that dynamically selects a wireless network to connect to … Wikipedia
Comparison of open source configuration management software — This is a comparison of free (libre) and open source configuration management software. Contents 1 Basic properties 2 Platform support 3 Short descriptions 4 Refere … Wikipedia
Zero configuration networking — (zeroconf), is a set of techniques that automatically creates a usable Internet Protocol (IP) network without manual operator intervention or special configuration servers. Zero configuration networking allows devices such as computers and… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol — DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Automatischer Bezug von IP Adressen und weiteren Parametern Ports: 67/UDP (Server oder Relay Agent) 68/UDP (Client) DHCP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel:… … Deutsch Wikipedia